Bernstein’s radical chic storm was whipped up by the FBI

Bernstein’s radical chic storm was whipped up by the FBI


norman lebrecht

August 25, 2024

Leonard and Felicia Bernstein’s daughter Jamie has made a remarkable assertion to Joseph Horowitz in his NPR More than Music show. Talking about the aftermath of Tom Wolfe’s inflammatory expose of the Bernstein’s party for the Black Panthers, she says:

And then, after that, there was an editorial! In the New York Times! An editorial, lambasting Leonard Bernstein and his wife for hosting that event. And the subtext was that the Black Panthers were considered by Jewish people to be ‘anti-Zionist.’. . . Friends of my parents and relations of my family were furious at my mother . . . The blowback went on and on. The hate mail started to arrive. The Jewish Defense League was picketing outside our building. . . . And it was only decades later, in the 1980s, that through the Freedom of Information Act my father was able to view his own FBI file, which turned out to be 800 pages long. . . . It was in those pages that we discovered that all that hate mail had been generated by the FBI, and all those JDL protests outside our building were bristling with FBI plants. And this all came sstraight out of J. Edgar Hoover’s playbook – it was his dream come true to pit Jews against Blacks. . . . My mother and father were just sitting ducks.”

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