Await the long Covid tour

Await the long Covid tour


norman lebrecht

August 27, 2024

PR message:
I wanted to let you know about cellist and composer Joshua Roman’s Immunity project, centered around his experience of Long COVID, which he will tour to Long COVID clinics around the country this fall, and release as an album on Bright Shiny Things, October 4.

The Immunity program features music ranging from J.S. Bach, Allison Loggins-Hull, George Crumb, Caroline Shaw, Leonard Cohen, and two of Roman’s own compositions. The varied works are woven into a narrative that traces key moments over the last three years, as Roman has navigated the complex challenges of chronic illness, ultimately finding a newfound strength in his vulnerability.

In Fall 2024, Roman will tour the Immunity program to Long COVID clinics across the United States, giving intimate performances to patients suffering from the chronic illness. Sharing music and community with other Long COVID patients, the Immunity Tour seeks to bring awareness to the condition and provide a safe space for patients to listen and engage in their shared experience. Events will take place at clinics in New York City, Seattle, Portland, Kansas City, St. Louis, and more.


  • E Rand says:

    Long Covid is fake. Does not exist. It is a cloak used by mentally ill, agoraphobic losers.

    • Retired Cellist says:

      Thanks for clearing that up for us, Dr. Rand. How fortunate we are to benefit from your wisdom and expertise.

    • Paul Brownsey says:

      How do you know that?

      I don’t doubt you *believe* it, but beliefs can be false.

    • RogerW says:

      true story

    • Gerry Feinsteen says:

      Despite what Alex Jones whispered in your ear, Long Covid is very real.

      Mr Roman, a solid cellist, was attacked by this illness.

    • Petros Linardos says:

      Why such posts are allowed is beyond me.

      • NY musician says:

        Posts or responses? This post is very real, Mr Roman is an excellent cellist whose career was derailed due to long covid.
        The response about whether long covid exists……just stupid.

    • David K. Nelson says:

      While I have no reason to doubt that there are indeed some mentally ill persons and agoraphobia sufferers (two different groups by the way) who might indeed use long covid as their personal crutch, I also suspect that most of us well know persons afflicted with long covid whom we ourselves know to be mentally healthy, and until their illness, avid and enthusiastic participants in travel, adventure, society, and the company of others.

      So … so much for that theory.

      The idea of making the long covid experience the theme for a concert, or concert tour, is perhaps untraditional but intriguing in repertoire choice.

  • Robert says:

    Whenever I hear the “COVID is fake” trolls I recall the graph in this report:

    The gray curve tracks the typical number of deaths per week in the US, before COVID. The blue curve tracks the number of deaths (of any cause) above and beyond that during the first three COVID years.

    COVID fake? Maybe, but the extra deaths are not fake.

    Long COVID fake? Maybe, but the acquaintances I know who are complaining of it were productive and ambitious people, not agoraphobics looking for excuses. They are going out to do their thing and finding they can’t.

  • RogerW says:

    wow, i thought the USA closed their mental institutions.

  • George says:

    In the UK ‘Long Covid’ only affects public sector workers who get paid whether they turn up for work or not.

    The self employed appear to be immune. Nobody knows quite why the virus is so discerning.

    • Davis says:

      Maybe the self-employed aren’t immune, maybe they continue working while they’re sick. Are we to believe you’d care enough to notice?

    • Larry says:

      Tell that to Derek Draper. Oh no, you can’t. He died. From Covid, having spent months in a coma. His widow is paying off health care debts, many thousands of pounds.
      You could ask Michael Rosen (BBC) who survived after a coma. People who post Daily Fail crap- no brains.

  • Tom says:

    I recommend the articles about long Covid and its close relative, me/cfs or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome by Ed Yong in Atlantic Magazine. It is a real, devastating and heartbreaking illness.