Austrian Art Prize 2024 for naked powder dance

Austrian Art Prize 2024 for naked powder dance


norman lebrecht

August 12, 2024

The choreographer Doris Uhlich has been awarded this year’s state price for dancing naked in January while covering herself in powder in th former imperial resort of Bad Ischl.

Must be something original in the concept that we’re missing.


  • Pianofortissimo says:

    No abstract concept, but someone simply forgot to vacuum the scene.

  • Selene says:

    No, you are not missing anything – less is more in art these days. Less clothing, less intelligence, less meaning but more sensationalism and more money.

  • Observing2 says:

    Gosh how original. We’ve all heard of taking clothes off but…

    Taking clothes off and spraying yourself with powder? Wowww! Why did I never think of that…guess I’m just a mere mortal after all…

  • John Borstlap says:

    It’s an explanation for dancers, of how best to use talcum powder.

  • says:

    OK, that’s enough excitement for now.
    Back to pornhub, everyone.

  • Fred Funk says:

    White powder?

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    I do this every day after a shower.