Ruth Leon recommends…  Jekyll & Hyde – Reading Rep Theatre

Ruth Leon recommends… Jekyll & Hyde – Reading Rep Theatre

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

August 01, 2024

Jekyll & Hyde – Reading Rep Theatre

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Forbes Mason stars in Gary McNair’s captivating and comic one-person play which was filmed at Dundee Rep Theatre in February and is now available to stream.

Adapted from the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, the classic story of Jekyll & Hyde is turned on its head revealing the depths of one man’s psyche and the lengths we will go to hide our deepest secrets. What will happen to a curious mind as it’s left to its own devices? Are those little voices in our heads our friends, or our enemies? What if they’re neither, what if they’re both?

Jekyll & Hyde, directed by Michael Fentiman,    is available exclusively from Original Online’s digital theatre library.

It costs £8.99/month for access to this release and the rest of Original Theatre’s online catalogue, or you can rent it for 48 hours for £5.99.

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  • Paul R. Terry says:

    Forbes Masson, surely ? (double S )