7 new players for San Francisco as Salonen departs

7 new players for San Francisco as Salonen departs


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2024

The SF Symphony Orchestra has announced seven new recruits for what will be Esa-Pekka Salonen’s final season as music director.

We hope they know what they’re diving into.

The newbies are:

Bass Trombone Christopher Bassett, Fourth Chair Bass Bowen Ha, Section First Violin Jeein Kim, Section Bass Orion Miller, Associate Principal Cello Anne Richardson (pictured), Second Clarinet Yuhsin Galaxy Su, and Fourth Chair Cello Davis You. They will all perform their first concerts in the Music from Studio Ghibli program on September 5–8.


  • Tet says:

    They are not diving into anything, they are fortunate to land a job in classical music, first, with good health care, second, with a good salary, third, with good retirement, fourth, with life time tenure, fifth.

    In this market, the rest is pure icing on the cake: in a world class orchestra, in a world class city, under a world class maestro.

    With hard work, a good break, they hit the classical music lottery.

    • Tricky Sam says:

      Well said!

      • M2N2K says:

        Except: they don’t have “life time tenure” – at least not yet, few will call SF a “world class city” these days, and the “world class maestro” is on his way out. Also, this success has much to do with talent and work but very little in common with “tottery”,

        • Petros Linardos says:

          Salonen, MTT, Blomstedt, de Waart, Ozawa, Krips: that’s quite a lineup for the last 60 years. Any reason not to expect a world class conductor to succeed Salonen?

        • Dihn says:

          Righto. It is a dying city in a dying empire. Feces everywhere, homeless everywhere, capitalistic overpriced poor quality everything. No thanks. But these youngster likely are trustfunders, inheritancers, wealthy families so they’re immune to us realities.

    • Ravenous Russell says:

      They will be on a picket line before Christmas.

    • Jim Dukey says:

      You don’t read the papers much, eh?

    • Shelby Nugents says:

      Congratulations to the rich & well connected kids.

      • Petros Linardos says:

        Wealth and connections help access to good training at best. What difference do they make with orchestra auditions?

  • Norabide Gutziak says:

    Ha! What a celestial line-up: Galaxy, Orion, even You are there, too, Kim.

  • Robert says:

    If they don’t like what they dove into… they can look elsewhere, but from what i can judge by online resumés this is welcome step up for all of them.

    San Francisco remains a fine city.

  • Dihn says:

    More of the same. Priviledged wealthy youngsters get jobs in a dying empire.