Tabea does it again. Soon she’ll have an album

Tabea does it again. Soon she’ll have an album


norman lebrecht

July 04, 2024

A year ago, the German violist Tabea Zimmermann ended her appearance with the Israel Philharmonic with a rendition of the Arik Einstein song, Atur Mitzchech.

The Hebrew-speaking audience erupted.

Last night, we heard, her encore was Hava Albertein’s wistful Hahita tizmach (no video yet).

Zimermann has been married to two conductors, one of them the late Israeli maestro David Shallon.


  • Eyal Braun says:

    It was a magnificent concert – but the reason to come at see is Tabea great performance of the Schnittke viola concerto- a masterpiece rarely performed – both she and the IPO were on top form.
    Two more performances in Tel Aviv and one in Jerusalem ( I caught the performance in Haifa yesterday).

  • yaron says:

    She is spot on: Both are very popular songs that endured the passage of time. Both belong to a higher level of art, really modern lieder.

  • william osborne says:

    Her second husband was Steven Sloane, music director of the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra from 2019 to 2023.

  • David K. Nelson says:

    A beautiful arrangement — is it by her?

  • Doug says:

    She is an extraordinary player to say the least, but she still cannot approach the fire, passion and great soul of Rivka.