Sydney’s new #2 cello

Sydney’s new #2 cello


norman lebrecht

July 17, 2024

The Sydney Symphony has recruited Simon Cobcroft as Associate Principal Cello.

He has been playing until now in the Adelaide Symphony, after a spell in the dreaded Malaysian Philharmonic.


  • Eda says:

    Norman, Why the ‘Dreaded Malaysian Philharmonic’?
    Not all music lovers live in the UK , Europe or USA. Surely you agree Music is the one thing in life that can & should connect us.
    Mind you, Slipped Disc has opened my eyes to the ‘real’ world of music makers. Most informative.

    • PeterC says:

      Agree. For those of us who live(d) is Malaysia, then MPO concerts are (were) the best and often only source of live music. Not fantastically run, as we all know. But a lot of good players making the best of a difficult situation.

  • AH Sydney says:

    Simon Cobcroft is a great addition to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. In two recent concerts he led the section and his solos were perfect. Lovely tone.

  • Brian says:

    How exactly do you decide which recruitment stories to feature? The choice of which recruitments are deemed noteworthy is extremely strange.