Ruth Leon recommends… Channelling Edward Moore – Met Musum

Ruth Leon recommends… Channelling Edward Moore – Met Musum

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

July 25, 2024

Channelling Edward Moore – Met Museum

Obsessions are fascinating. Here’s a splendid film about one woman’s job.  Eileen Travell  is a photographer at the Met. It is her voice telling us about the objects made and collated by the Tiffany silversmith Edward C. Moore   and how she sees and photographs them. Your mind will be opened, she says.

We go behind the scenes at The Met with Eileen Travell as she channels the spirit of Edward C. Moore (1827–1891), the creative force who led Tiffany & Co. to unparalleled originality and success during the second half of the 19th century.

In photographing Moore’s vast collection of objects, Eileen discovers a through line of inspiration running through all he gathered and studied.

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