Ruth Leon recommends… Rubens – The Judgement of Paris

Ruth Leon recommends… Rubens – The Judgement of Paris

Ruth Leon recommends

norman lebrecht

July 19, 2024

Rubens – The Judgement of Paris – National Gallery

Behind the Scenes at the National Gallery Britta New shows how science and new technology improve our understanding of conservation changes that have been made to Rubens’   Judgement of Paris over its lifetime.

Using non-invasive imaging techniques, including XRF scanning, today, we can see the changes Rubens himself made to the composition and size of his picture, as well as the effects of more recent conservation treatment.

Britta tells us how, armed with this new information, she was able to work on a painting that has so much history wrapped up in its panels and paint.

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  • D says:

    Excellent to see Rubens getting some coverage. He worked across a wide range of genres, and shone in all of them. The finest painter we generally overlook?