Russians name Kissin as a foreign agent

Russians name Kissin as a foreign agent


norman lebrecht

July 19, 2024

The pianist was added today to a Justice Ministry list of Russians who have spoken out againnst Putin’s war in Ukraine.

It’s a list of honour.


  • Hugo Preuß says:

    The only honor bestowed by Czar Vladimir the Terrible worth having. Well done, Maestro Kissin!

  • zandonai says:

    Pianist Polina Osetinskaya is also on Putin’s ‘honors list’.
    It just means they have to watch their back at all times and be careful what they eat and drink.

    • Herr Doktor says:

      Kissin doesn’t live in Russia. Unfortunately, Osetinskaya does. She’s a FANTASTIC pianist and obviously a thoughtful, caring human being. I want her and her family to be safe – and it’s hard for me to believe that involves staying in Russia, unfortunately.

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      That is a real, live concern.

  • Dragonetti says:

    Very brave. Stay away from upper storey windows from now on.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      Perhaps dark humor is in poor taste when the possibilities are all too real.

      Evgeny Kissin is a brave man and supremely talented musician.

  • No comment says:

    They say he raised and transferred money to the Ukranian military. Did he? Or did just speak out for peace?

  • John W. Norvis says:

    Advocacy notwithstanding, it will be bleak for Ukraine if the US votes as trending in November.

    • Facts aren’t trolls says:

      How so? I thought prolonging wars and not letting people leave their country is bleak.

      • Borys says:

        What’s even more bleak is comfortable Westerners appeasing Russia and surrendering a country to its former occupier.

  • Guest says:

    The notion that Kissing is even capable of acting as a foreign agent is completely absurd for the following reasons:

    1) Kissin is what is known as an “idiot savant”. Although he excels at music performances, he is severely cognitively impaired in other areas that require intellectual skills.
    2) Kissin lacks the intellectual capacity to perform basic bodily functions on his own, such as eating and defecating.
    3) Kissin requires assistance in performing daily tasks of living.
    4) Although Kissin is capable of ingesting written information, he lacks the ability to understand its meaning and analyze it. He can repeat the content but doesn’t actually know what his words mean that come out of his mouth.
    5) Kissin lacks the ability to engage in normal human conversation. Attempts to engage in communication result in long staring into the distance, broken sentences, halting speech, and an inability to understand what people are trying to tell him.

    Given Kissin’s ability to function is limited to only performing music, it is simply impossible for Kissin to do anything else effectively, unless someone uses him as a puppet.

    • Funnybones says:

      Either you are being humorous or you have your facts wrong. Try listening to Kissin speak Hebrew, or read his poetry, or simply witness his very quick humour. He speaks 4 languages, writes texts in all of them, also composes music, paints and recently acted in the theatre. Whilst still putting himself out there in support of Ukraine. There is nothing idiotic about him at all.

    • Ludwig's Van says:

      What a nasty pile of crap! Having known and worked with Kissin for nearly 40 years, I can say that he is highly intelligent, extremely articulate, very well read, self-taught in several languages, and brilliantly conversant in a wide variety of subjects. No wonder that lesser mortals such as “Guest” are so jealous of him.

    • LegalEagle says:

      How nasty – even if that were true, why are you making a derogatory comment about someone having a disability?

  • Save the MET says:

    Putin can kiss his tuchus in front of GUM’s in Moscow. Kissin has more talent in his ankle than Putin and the Duma combined have in their entire selves.

  • Maestro Rubin says:

    So he’s on the side of the American war-mongers? Congrats.

  • Tom Phillips says:

    If he did, he’s even MORE honorable.

  • IP says:

    A list of honour that goes with having all your properties in Putistan confiscated

  • John Borstlap says:

    For a paranoid country, the entire world beyond the borders is trying to get you.

  • john humphreys says:

    To hell with Putin’s ‘Justice’ Ministry. Kissin speaks to the truth about Putin and Russia. Good pianist also…!

  • Roland says:

    These artists of Putin´s blacklist should be invited by all the great Western concerts and concert agencies halls to support them.