Royal Ballet nets £10m gift

Royal Ballet nets £10m gift


norman lebrecht

July 12, 2024

Among the first recipients of a £100m handout from the estate of the philanthropist Julia Rausing is the ballet company she loved best.

The money will go towards upgrades of stage and backstage facilities.

Rausing died three months ago, aged 63. Her widower, Hans, is heir to the Swedish TetraPak fortune.


  • Tiredofitall says:

    £10M or £100m??? Some details matter more than others (as does proofreading before hitting the send button…though I am guilty as well).

    Regardless, it is a well-thought legacy of Julia Rausing.

    • V.Lind says:

      I read that as a charitable bequest of £100 million, of which the first announced share was £10 million to the Royal Ballet.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        You are correct, but I did not get that from the SD post. Journalists ought to write in a clear and organized manner.

        • V.Lind says:

          I used to wish journalistic principles were employed on this site, till I remembered this is not journalism. It’s a blog. Mind you, one written by a journalist…perhaps he always needed an editor!

    • James says:

      Not too hard to work out. A £10m bequest to Royal Ballet from £100m estate……simples

  • rustier spoon says:

    I wonder if either dancers or musicians will see any of it…

  • Joel Kemelhor says:

    Clearly, bequests based on a Tetrapak fortune will not be just one-sided.

  • Guest says:

    Thats why I only support raising taxes on the rich from tech. The other ones support education and culture and generally do good things with their money.