Police find 63kg of cocaine inside concert grand

Police find 63kg of cocaine inside concert grand


norman lebrecht

July 16, 2024

At St-Félix-de-Valois, near Joliette, home of Canada’s largest classical music festival, Royal Canadian Mounted Police found 63 kilograms of Cocaine inside a Grand Piano that was being delivered to the town.

The piano (pictured) is presently unplayable.

Four men have been arrested.


  • guest1847 says:

    gee I didn’t know that if I stuff 63 kg of cocaine in a piano, the piano would be unplayable

  • Linda says:

    That’s not to be sniffed at

  • KANANPOIKA says:

    Reminds me of the time during my school days when several
    students snuck into a professor’s studio during the night and filled one of the 9-foots with (hopefully non-buttered) popcorn.
    Word is: the opening chord the next morning was a dull thud.

  • vadis says:

    The way to hide cocaine in a piano is to replace the white keys not the strings. Oy Vey.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    If it was a Bösendörfer Imperial they could have loaded more, maybe 80 kg.

  • vadis says:

    On the program:

    “Presented by Yamaha

    It has developed into a Lanaudière tradition: the summer reunion of two of Quebec’s most acclaimed musicians, to whom we owe some of the finest highlights of our Festival in recent years. This time around, they concentrate on not just one, but two outrageously demanding piano concertos by Franz Liszt, performed back-to-back… revel(ling) in their challenges with uncanny ease…

    Marc-André Hamelin, piano
    Yannick Nézet-Séguin, conductor”

    I ain’t sayin’ nothin’, I’s just reportin’ the program notes as written.

  • V.Lind says:

    Canada’s largest music festival? First I’ve heard of it.

    • Paul says:

      Name a bigger one

    • MWnyc says:

      Could this mean you’re a bit stuck in the anglophone mediasphere?

      • V.Lind says:

        Yes, it could. I used to go to Montreal, and sometimes elsewhere in Quebec, about 20 times a year for cultural events, but it has been a while, and I never did go to Joliette.

        Somehow see more cultural action at Toronto’s Harbourfront or in the two Ottawa Chamber Music (and Beyond) festivals.

        Anyway, if it’s on now it would conflict with the Tour de France. Not to mention the Open.

        • MWnyc says:

          Here’s what I suspect that the Festival de Lanaudière actually is: Canada’s largest summer festival of orchestral music. I don’t know that for certain, but the better-known Canadian festivals that I can think of focus on chamber music.

          In any case, I first heard of the festival at least 30 years ago, and I’m not even Canadian.

  • SlippedChat says:

    I’ve heard of getting high on music, but this is ridiculous.

  • Chiming in says:

    I knew when I read this news item that the comments would be priceless.

  • Michael says:

    Finally, someone knows how to make money in classical music, instead of begging for it…ha…ha

  • Eric Wright says:

    There’s prepared piano, and then there’s prepared pianist….

  • Simon Holt says:

    Sad really. Now, it’ll only be fit for playing John Blow.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    Program pairing: The Nose Between the Notes & The Blow Before the Bow

  • Alasdair Munro says:

    Better for Colombian marches than Hungarian Dances.

  • Allegri says:

    Festival programme suggestions:

    Elgar, Cockaigne
    Shostakovich, The Nose
    Adès, Powder Her Face

  • Ebenezer says:

    It plays the piano transcription of Elgar’s Cockaigne Overture with pumped-up vigour!

  • Save the MET says:

    Glenn Gould’s old piano?