Orchestra CEO quits over ‘grievous’ misjudgements

Orchestra CEO quits over ‘grievous’ misjudgements


norman lebrecht

July 19, 2024

Peter Biggs resigned as CEO of the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra in April, officially ‘for a number of reasons, including health’.

It now transpires that he admitted to his board chair ‘grievous errors of judgment’ over renting out his city apartment while claiming expenses for staying at the exclusive Wellington Club.

He has since repaid the expenses. Read full story here.

Biggs, an advertising man, is a past chair of Arts Council New Zealand and a board member of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra.




  • V.Lind says:

    Do these people never learn?

    • henry williams says:

      lucky he can afford to resign. most people do not have
      money if they do not

    • Tiredofitall says:

      These people never think or believe there is a paper trail of all financial transactions.

      He’s lucky the New Zealand Symphony allowed only a resignation.

      I guess all crimes could be described as “grievous misjudgments”.

      Sad and entitled and greedy.

    • notacynic says:

      ‘they have learned nothing, and forgotten nothing.’

  • Roger Rocco says:

    Incompetent management fails again! Who hires these people? The orchestra has strict protocols for hiring highly qualified members but administrative hiring is a crap shoot! This mismanagement occurs over and over and frequently leads to financial failure of performing arts organizations. Very discouraging!

  • Officer Krupke says:

    Hardly an error of judgement if it lined his pocket so handsomely. With such fortuitous judgement he should do just fine out of the job.

  • Paul Dawson says:

    Swindling a non-profit is a pretty low form of conduct, but getting caught in the process reveals a staggering lack of grey matter.

    This is not a resignation matter. He should have been fired with full publicity.

  • Robert says:

    So, according to the article, this is about $5295?

    Sudden departures are usually about more than that.

  • Cello4Sale says:

    I miss the good old days when music directors were tough and disciplined and stuck around the brand for 30 years. In the 1960s you could immediately identify an orchestra by its sound and personality; Szell, Ormandy, Walter, Bernstein. The instability of constantly moving conductors and many players as well, is diametrically opposed to the long marinating process required for great orchestras. All these egos are grabbing more oxygen than they deserve. Great orchestras are families, not pit stops for the entitled.

  • Fronk says:

    Gratifying to have reported shenanigans in Kiwi lands musical establishment…especially to us subscribers to the Glasgow Herald.