New boss arrives at LA Phil. No-one notices

New boss arrives at LA Phil. No-one notices


norman lebrecht

July 10, 2024

Kim Noltemy started work yesterday as president and CEO of the troubled Los Angeles Philharmonic. She is the fourth to take the helm since Deborah Borda left in 2017 and the working atmosphere has darkened perceptibly amid accusations of bullying and incompetence.

As a measure of the prevalent discomfort, no public attention was drawn to Noltemy’s arrival. Many seem unaware she isĀ  there. The website today still shows the name of her interim predecessor. It’s business as usual at the LA Phil: nothing happening here.


  • Mangoj says:

    The formidable Ms Borda always left a yawning chasm behind her, wherever she was.

  • lucas says:

    Sorry, the readers of this site have been too busy bashing the CBSO’s sorry excuse for a CEO of late to notice that there were many troubles elsewhere. Good luck with the LA Phil poisoned chalice, Kim. Ms. Borda carefully laced it before departing.

  • CarlD says:

    Once you are tied to SD’s flogging mast there is no escaping the near-daily pummeling of its favorite targets, regardless of any logic or reason. LA Phil remains a healthy, admirable, pace-setting orchestra and organization. As for the tired “bullying” trope, I can’t recall even a single ,solitary on-the-record source in any such post supporting such a claim.

  • J E says:

    No public attention was drawn? There was a significant amount of coverage when the announcement was made. What outlet is supposed to cover someone’s “first day”?

    See, e.g.,

  • Nora says:

    At least the website is now up to date, but the staff are yet to meet her…….

  • WiseOne says:

    Perhaps to be noticed one needs to bring a drink to the concert?

  • Jeffrey Biegel says:

    I’m not concerned. Kim has the mindset and heart to get things done. It won’t take long for everyone to feel her presence and impact.

  • Andrew Duckles says:

    I was at rehearsal yesterday morning. Kim Notelmy addressed the orchestra onstage before the rehearsal started. We all noticed that. I also noticed that you werenā€™t there, but I really enjoyed your article about all of this.

  • LA Horn holder says:

    Troubled? Really? Based on what exactly?

  • Greg says:

    Your obtuse cheap shot at Kim Noltemy is unwarranted, and her arrival was very much in character. With quiet efficiency she will affect dramatic and positive change in LA just as she did in Dallas.

    • Shh says:

      Dallas didnā€™t seem to be doing great. She sounds like a hypocrite. I fear for LA, may she prove me wrong.

  • John McLaughlin Williams says:

    Kim works quietly and efficiently with obvious and discernible results. LA is blessed to have her.

  • A Tortoise of a News Day says:

    To be honest, his is healthy and how it should be.

    CEO’s shouldn’t be famous, nor should they need to make noise about the work they do – They should be getting on with the job, doing the best for the organisation they’re leading and trying to get the best from everyone working for and around them.

    This feels like a slow news day post…