Look, there’s an academic at my piano

Look, there’s an academic at my piano

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

July 20, 2024

The international opera star Aida Garifullina gave a concert in the Oxford Union.

Normally, she’d bring her own pianist.

Here, she was accompanied by Christian Wilson, Director of Music at Keble College.


  • Petros Linardos says:

    Wonderful. Thank you for posting.

    The opening Serenade is a powerful reminder that there is way more in Tchaikovsky than his greatest hits. Works like his Pathetique are classics for good reasons. But his songs and piano music are another world, a beautiful one, though less well known, except perhaps in Russia.

  • Clarrieu says:

    Well, we look but see nothing, since the camera work doesn’t feature the pianist one single second. Strange way to film a recital…

  • IP says:

    He was only sitting in for Amneris Kakhidze

  • Truth Hurts says:

    Are we supposed to feel sorry for her? What’s the point of all this? A slow news day? Please tell me how I should react and I will do so. And by the way she’s not some great international opera star.