Katharina Wagner to direct in Beijing

Katharina Wagner to direct in Beijing


norman lebrecht

July 23, 2024

Journalist Sebastian Hammelehle gets some strong news breaks out of an interview with the Bayreuth chief in Der Spiegel.

Katharina Wagner says Christian Thielemann will return in 2027 to conduct Parsifal, having resigned as music director four years ago. ‘We are like an old married couple,’ says Wagner. ‘We sometimes have different opinions, we discuss them, and then everything is fine again.’ (Neither Thielemann nor Wagner has ever married).

The next Ring cycle in 2028 is to be conducted by the Spaniard Pablo Heras-Casado, who presided over Parsifal last summer. That’s a shot in the dark.

And Katie herself will return to the fray: ‘I will be directing Die Walküre in Beijing in 2025,’ she says.

More here.


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    Heras-Casado to conduct the next Ring? Well, if they think that’s a good idea…

  • Frank says:

    How good is Pablo Heras-Casado? He might be a candidate for the Cleveland Orchestra’s music director.

  • Karine says:

    There are worse conductors out there

  • Paul Barte says:

    I’d understood that there would be a new Ring in 2026, marking the 150th anniversary of the first Bayreuth festival. I may be wrong.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      Don’t know about that, but covid did mess up the schedule a bit. The current Ring should have premiered a long time before it actually did.