Just in: Dutch stop subsidies to youth orchestras

Just in: Dutch stop subsidies to youth orchestras


norman lebrecht

July 16, 2024

The Netherlands orchestra world is in uproar over the latest disastrous cuts.

Amsterdam, July 15, 2024 – Eleven different interest groups from the music sector have called on the Minister of Education, Culture and Science to safeguard the continued existence of talent development in Dutch classical and jazz music. These institutions are in danger of disappearing due to the advice of the Fund for Cultural Participation to stop subsidies to these institutions. It is:

The National Youth Orchestras of the Netherlands (Youth Orchestra of the Netherlands, the National Youth Orchestra and the Young Metropole Orchestra),
The Ricciotti Ensemble,
The National Children’s and Youth Choirs (Stichting Vocaal Talent Nederland),
The Princess Christina Competition,
The Dutch Violin Competition,
Britten for Young Music Talent.
In the letter, Simon Reinink, general director of the Concertgebouw and Piet van Gennip, general director of the Ballet Orchestra, point out that this threatens to destroy the last foundation for the talent development of classical and jazz musicians in the Netherlands. These organizations form a necessary bridge from music schools (many of which have already closed due to budget cuts at municipalities) to further education and professional practice.

The writers also advocate an overarching policy to protect the vulnerable ecosystem of classical and jazz music. This should prevent a situation like this, in which institutions with years of experience and history can suddenly disappear. But above all, the eleven organizations call for quick action to preserve the institutions for the Netherlands.

The letter from all Dutch concert halls and orchestras was co-signed by:

Association of Dutch Orchestras (VvNO)
Phion, orchestra of Gelderland and Overijssel, Arnhem & Enschede
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Radio Philharmonic Orchestra & Large Broadcasting Choir, Hilversum
Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra | Netherlands Chamber Orchestra (NedPhO), Amsterdam
North Netherlands Orchestra, Groningen
Philzuid, Eindhoven & Maastricht
Residence Orchestra, The Hague
Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, Rotterdam
The Ballet Orchestra, Amsterdam
The concert halls affiliated with the Association of Theater and Concert Hall Directors (VSCD):
The Concertgebouw, Amsterdam
Wilminktheater and Music Center Enschede, Enschede
Theater Orpheus, Apeldoorn
SPOT Groningen, Groningen
De Doelen, Rotterdam
Musis & Stadstheater Arnhem, Arnhem
Schouwburg & PHIL Haarlem, Haarlem
Stadsschouwburg Nijmegen and Concergebouw Vereeniging, Nijmegen
Theater Concert Hall Tilburg, Tilburg
TivoliVredenburg, Utrecht
Amare, The Hague
Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ, Amsterdam
PLT Parkstad Limburg Theaters, Heerlen
Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, Eindhoven
Bimhuis, Amsterdam
Leidse Theater and Stadsgehoorzaal, Leiden
The music ensembles affiliated with the NAPK,
Association of Free Theater Producers (VVTP),
Network Music (the conservatories of the Netherlands),
National Opera & Ballet,
The professional choir consultation,
More Music in the Classroom,
Cultural connection,
Choir Network Netherlands,
Royal Dutch Music Organization.
Quote Simon Reinink (The Concertgebouw):

‘In the Netherlands we are proud that we have a strong classical and jazz sector. But without our youth orchestras, choirs and competitions, there will soon be nothing left, and the Jong Oranje will disappear from our music culture. We must absolutely keep these institutions for the Netherlands!’


  • Edo says:

    I do not know how Omtzigt and Yeşilgöz can look at themselves in the mirror and not be ashamed to form such a cabinet…they also proposed to increase VAT on books, to tax students who are late to graduate, cutting on research and health and social measures.

    This is cultural terrorism.

  • Officer Krupke says:

    Shocking and outrageous.

  • Eda says:

    Tragic. SO short sighted.

  • Concerned in Amsterdam says:

    This is what Populism has wrought in NL. Worse yet, arguments from the far right (who are responsible for these cuts) have included blaming the left for not wanting to support “white art”. It’s Putin-level misinformation.

  • Jonathan says:

    This news broke nearly 2 weeks ago, and it amazes me that it has taken so long to make some kind of statement about it. There are online petitions circulating to sign, but they need to do more to bring awareness of the situation to the wider public both nationally and internationally.

  • John Borstlap says:

    This is not something out-of-the-blue, due to a sudden populist government, but the result of a process of erosion going-on for decennia. The Netherlands are a populist country, with a deep suspicion of anything above the level of the masses’ tastes, so ‘classical music’ is seen by many as a mere hobby of the privileged bourgeoisie – so, why should the tax payer support it? (Cultural institutions are mainly subsidized by the state – not from a feeling of obligation or cultural awareness, but as a superfluous luxury and a face-saving measure vis-a-vis other European countries, so: as something that can easily be dropped if other items on the budget are felt as requiring more sustenance.)

    Now for many years, orchestras and theatres try to justify their existence through outreach programs, diversification of programming, lowering tresholds, etc. etc. in an attempt to escape the axe, but of course that did not prevent further cuts. The origin of the problem goes much deeper than politics: ‘culture’ in the Netherlands is not part of national identity, but a ‘Fremdkörper’. In this sense the Netherlands is not a really European country.

  • Ok then says:

    And very rightfully so.
    For people who don’t know – the majority of the “youth” orchestras listed above are HAMAS supporters. That’s what you get. Karma

  • Dingeman van Daal says:

    …still waiting for substantial evidence from Ok then… Was so curious…