Watch: It’s the leaving of Winchester

Watch: It’s the leaving of Winchester


norman lebrecht

July 14, 2024

A correspondent writes:

Huge applause for Andrew Lumsden (and Claudia Grinnell) at the conclusion of this afternoon’s ’farewell’ evensong. Congregation of hundreds; wonderful singing – the most musical congregation I’ve ever had the privilege to be a part of.
Andrew directed the choir and played us out magnificently through the last hymn and voluntary. Extraordinarily positive congregation celebrating 22 years of his first-class direction and music-making.


  • Lapsed Organist says:

    A very sad day for Cathedral music.
    Lets only hope the senior clergy who have instigated Andrew’s tremendous loss to their Cathedral and bringing it into disrepute, will now realise the damage they have done by their selfish and unchristian behaviour and resign.
    The anticipated Bishop’s Investigation will only serve to support his Clergy and won’t undo the severe damage and reputation to this once fine building and community.

  • Wolsey says:

    It was more than applause. It was a 2′ 45″ standing ovation (starting at 1:17:47 in the link); I was there.

    • Anon says:

      I was there too and heard a remarkable outpouring, which was actually unstoppable.
      There was a similar ovation, which was initiated by the Bishop of Winchester as part of his very good sermon at the Choral Eucharist.
      Do please listen to his words, AND the music from both services of yesterday.
      I’ve never heard the like of it in church services. There appeared to be some fixed stares during the services, from certain dais seats, when the music entered the stratosphere at both services. Maybe, just maybe, certain individuals will be realising just what they’ve done and what they’re losing, directly, or by collusion.

  • my permanent pseudonym says:

    2:45 duration and the Dean was still managing to clap like one of those clockwork monkey cymbal toys !

    One member of the clergy, though (the tall fellow, when they were lined up at the Altar) had seemingly had more than enough and was soon enough resolute in both stare and being obviously stationary of hand.

    I think it was very gracious of Mr Lumsden to (eventually… ) ask the congregation to cease – after all, he wouldn’t want the clergy to feel too embarrassed about feeling obliged to continue clapping for a moment too long…..

    • Anon says:

      Canon Roly Riem, Vice-Dean.

      I do know that, as Dr. Andy Lum came down from the Loft for the final time, his Musicians formed an emotional guard of honour for him. Two of our former much-loved and respected Precentors travelled some long distances to come to support support him, and his family and fiancée. I’m sure a third will have been on high, applauding him from Highest Heaven, clapping with the Almighty who gave Andy his talent in the first place, and whom he has glorified through it. Each of those Precentors, Male and female are, or were, Musicians in their own right knowing that music at its finest lifts people to glimpses of God’s glorified, not by seeking to save money by trying to reduce it to lower level, and pretending it’s just as good.
      Think on, Winchester Cathedral Chapter…

  • Winton Friend says:

    Two of your correspondents are being less than fair to the independent review which the Bishop of Winchester has set up. One of the distressing aspects of some of the comments on Slippedisc has been the speed to tar all clergy with the same brush, and to assume that at all times the clergy will close ranks. To paraphrase Gershwin, it’s not necessarily so.

    I, for one, have confidence that the independent review will shed light on areas which the Dean and Chapter have been trying to keep hidden. At least give the review team a chance to fulfil the brief they’ve been given by the Bishop.

    Evensong on Sunday afternoon was avery special occasion, and the quality of the music-making was outstanding. I gladly participated in the prolonged ovation for Andrew Lumsden. Anon is right: I’ve never heard the like either. Incidentally, your correspondents might also want to check out the sermon at Saturday’s Southern Cathedrals Festival Eucharist, which is also available on Winchester Cathedral’s channel.

    • Jonny H says:

      Thank you Winton Friend. I can’t find the links to either sermon. Any chance you could add links here?

      • Winton Friend says:

        Thank you, Jonny H. I believe the SCF sermon can be found on the cathedral’s YouTube site. The Bishop’s sermon should also be there.

        • Jonny H says:

          Hello again Winton Friend. I’ve been on the Cathedral website and can’t find it in the area that it says the sermons are located. Have you seen it there? I know the preacher of that sermon – he was the Precentor at Winchester when Andy started and was responsible for Andy’s appointment. Clearly, he knows his onions (a former professional singer at an EXTREMELY high level), and his insight and experience meant that his appointing of Andy was only ever going to be an excellent one. Those were the days..!

  • My permanent pseudonym says:

    Categorically NOT to take away from Sunday’s expressions of support for Mr Lumsden, but in reply to those who say ‘never seen the like of…etc’, I would gently refer you to ~that~ Sunday in July 1984 at St Paul’s and the ~uninvited~ outbreak of applause during that Sunday morning’s sermon when the visiting preacher espoused all that was to be lost by the sacking Barry Rose, on what was his last day.

    (The vicar concerned never was invited back, I believe; alwaysxa good sign in my book!)

    40 years ago, ‘clapping in [CoE] church’ was perhaps less common (weddings etc…) than it is now, and it really did strike a chord, so to speak, but CRUCIALLY the sentiment then – as now – is one of total support and love, yes, love, for one whose entire life to that point has been given freely to the music-making of the Church and a given institution in particular.

    I don’t now why, but I am reminded of a line from yhe hymn Imortal Invisible:

    “we blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
    and wither and perish but naught changeth Thee.”

    Good luck Mr Lumsden; others have been unfairly and unceremoniously ejected from their posts as Organists over the years, and no doubt it will happen again…

    But rest assured you and this Sunday just passed will chime long into the future just as Mr Rose’s did 40 years ago….

  • Antwerp Smerle says:

    Scroll to 1:12:00 to witness the nauseating hypocrisy of the Dean.

  • Wolsey says:

    My heart goes out to the chorister second from the right in the front row (between the two with yellow medals) who is clearly fighting back tears at the start of the ovation.

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    This YouTube is a modal of musical excellence hugely let down by the lack of dignity, reverence and honesty by the clerics leading the worship.
    It is worth watching to show exactly how clergy behave in such a shoddy and undignified way as the complete opposite to the professional manner the music is offered.

    Dean Ogle was clearly rattled by the sheer volume of supporters who attended to support Andy and Claudia and her singsong vocal delivery in a false happy all- is- well smiley junior school teaching manner fooled nobody as her hesitancy demonstrating anxiety combined with nervous glances throughout her speaking, not only seemed coached and measured, but was she waiting to see if anyone would heckle or laugh at the audacity of her?
    It was brave reading the second lesson deliberately chosen (by her?) with words she thought apt.
    Her nauseating hypocritical and embarrassing citation of both Claudia and Andy was in poor taste coming across as kind and caring but lame and dishonest in view of everything by her and her absent Precentor, who should have courteously attended. (unless his HR wife advised otherwise).
    Mrs Dean was desperate to be liked. Her pathetic cries of ‘Where’s Claudia’ who took time from the organ loft to appear in front of this women was desperate and silly.
    Continuing, ‘Here she comes’, was reminiscent of a kid’s TV programme rather than someone entrusted to lead a Cathedral church.
    Continuing in ‘patronising Nanny speak’ telling Claudia to stand over there during the applause, was toe curlingly awful. (Didn’t she know she was being recorded for UTube?)
    Similarly, making a joke about Andy also taking time to appear in front of her then delivering such hypocritical comments so insincerely speaks volumes.
    Note the lack of eye contact from all, with full marks to both organists retaining some dignity during this embarrassment.
    During the 3′ standing ovation note the nervous laughs, coughs and silly comments from the Dean ‘This is taking longer than the anthem!’ when she tries
    (but fails) to bring the long ovation to an end.
    And then to PRAY for them!
    The audacity of the Dean after all she has done!
    However, something she can do, is to instruct her clergy colleague not to fiddle with her vestment whilst she is delivering sing song prayers for those she has lost thanks to her mismanagement.
    No wonder folk feel uninspired to become part of a church club when it is run in the manner shown on this clip by the likes of Dean Ogle and co.