Halle Orchestra names new leader

Halle Orchestra names new leader


norman lebrecht

July 18, 2024

The Manchester orchestra has appointed Emily Davis-Robb as co-leader (concertmaster) alongside Roberto Ruisi.

She has been, until now, concertmaster of the Stavanger Symphony Orchestra in Norway.

She says: ‘Thrilled (and very humbled) to share this news and call Manchester my new second home – 17 years after leaving Chets, I’m so happy to be back working in this city with this fabulous orchestra I grew up watching.’

portrait by Nino Felbab this month in Stavanger


  • G A Eagland says:

    New Co-Leader would have been a better headline.

    • T says:

      If she’s been appointed joint leader then she is a joint leader, not a Co leader. Orchestras do have multiple leaders, believe it or not. And I believe she was appointed a joint leader. So the article is wrong, as usual.

  • Bill Ducker says:

    Congratulations. It’s a great orchestra with a fabulous history. I remember seeing Sir John conducting when I was a boy in Newcastle and Pat Ryan and Paddy Purcell playing the clarinets. It was always a great event when The Halle Orchestra came to town and it still is. You will be leading some amazing musicians. Every success. God bless you.