French ensemble leader is convicted of sexual harrassment

French ensemble leader is convicted of sexual harrassment


norman lebrecht

July 10, 2024

A French court has sentenced the cornett player and early-music leader Jean Tubéry to six months in prison, suspended, and three years’ ineligibility for public office.

He was found guilty of ‘repeatedly imposed comments with sexual connotations.’

Tubéry is founder-director of La Fenice ensemble and a professor at the Conservatoire in Lyon.


  • Barney says:

    Harassment, not harrassment.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Probably should’ve kept the critical comments about the viola players, strictly professional. Not personal.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Billy: ‘After a bad concert, the conductor and the viola player went to the pub for a happy hour…’

    Cousin Gilda: ‘Please, Billy, not one more word! Bad jokes can send you to jail these days.’

  • Corno di bassetto says:

    Maybe he should mind his embouchure and start blowing his own trumpet.

  • chet says:

    c’mon there’s got to be more to the story, especially in France where sentencing laws are lenient as fuck, you don’t get 6 months in prison (even suspended) just for “repeatedly imposed comments with sexual connotations”, if that were the case, every putain de French conversation would be criminal

    • henry williams says:

      suspended sentence
      is letting the offender free. it is cheaper than prison

    • Sue Sonata Form says:

      That’s the terrifying part; there wouldn’t be more to this story!! We live in the age of punitive puritanism. It’s hideous. As the song goes, I’m glad I’m not young anymore.

  • william osborne says:

    “chet” above is correct. There is much more to the story than sexualized comments (that were in text messages to students which gives them more gravity than passing verbal comments.)

    He touched the behind of a student and forced a kiss on another during a concert.

    During his lessons, he would put his instrument into his pants in order to warm it, a “completely common practice among musicians,” he absurdly claimed.

    He had already been the subject of an internal investigation at the CNSMD leading to a five-month layoff between June and October 2022. The suspension was repeated in the spring of 2023, which did not prevent him from returning to the conservatory at the start of the 2023 school year.

    The details are in this article in French:

    • Herbie G says:

      ‘He touched the behind of a student and forced a kiss on another during a concert.’ Was that another student or another behind?

    • vadis says:

      I believe it’s common practice at the New York Philharmonic that the horn and oboe players put their instruments inside their pants to warm them up, and often their instruments outside their pants as well.

    • Corno di cacca says:

      “Behind”?? Oh my God, don’t you mean _ass_? When did you leave the Anglosphere, 1955?

  • B. Guerrero says:

    Who would have thunk the early music movement would die this way, with a percentage of its protagonists ending up in prison for bad conduct. It all seems so incongruous, somehow.

  • Ken says:

    What a disappointment. Over the past five years I’ve developed a great love for the operas of Purcell, and Tubery and Ensemble La Fenice have been a key factor in that evolution. With any luck, the group will continue its wonderful music-making despite these regrettable distractions.

    • MWnyc says:

      Indeed. And Tubéry is the best cornett player I’ve ever heard — the only one who, to my ears, outdoes even Bruce Dickey (who was Tubéry’s teacher). Why did he have to pull juvenile stunts like those?