Death of a stellar violinist, 73

Death of a stellar violinist, 73


norman lebrecht

July 22, 2024

The much-admired international violinist Eugene Sarbu died yesterday in a private hospital in London. He had been suffering from a protracted illness.

The first Romanian violinist after Georges Enescu to catch the world’s ear, Sarbu won the Paganini Competition in Genoa and the Carl Flesch International Competition in London, both in 1978.

Renowned for playing the Sibelius concerto, he gave the world premiere of a violin concerto by a later Finn, Einojuhani Rautavaraa.


  • lucas says:

    RIP to a fine, but rather under-recorded, violinist.

    Even if he was not the first Romanian violinist after Enescu to capture the world’s attention – there were others in the inter-rim (Daniel Podlovski, Ion Voicu, Lola Bobescu, etc.) – but Sarbu was a torch-bearer for his country.

  • Salvatore Greco says:

    Goodbye Eugene, I will always remember you.
    Thank you for all you did for me.

  • Harry Joachim Dietmar Machold says:

    Knowing Eugene from the very early 80 ties, he was a constant part of my life..remembering unique moments and intriguing conversations..a character which does not appear in this Mickey Mouse world of today…
    Farewell Eugene, I will miss you..
    But in my memories, you will last forever..

  • Robert Levin says:

    In 1973, we participated together in Nathan Milstein’s master class at the Muraltengut in Zurich, Switzerland. Eugene was a talented violinist.

  • Judith Olson says:

    I was the first pianist he played with in the USA. Mr. Galamian put us together, and I will always remember his beautiful playing and charming personality.

  • Simon Scott says:

    A very good violinist but also something of a wide boy.

    • Mimi says:

      What does wide boy mean?

      • marcus says:

        wide boy is pretty archaic these days. most commonly used in Britain during the 40’s and 50’s to indicate a bloke who is a bit dodgy, without being an out and out criminal.

        • Simon Scott says:

          You are correct. Ivan Galamian had to bail Sarbu out of the lockup several times. In the end Galamian said ‘this is the last time I do this for you. Next time you rot’

    • Mimi says:

      What do you mean by wide boy?

    • Carole Resplandy says:

      Not a pleasant comment for someone who has endured over two years in hospital .
      Eugene was a very dear friend .

  • Gustavo Ignaciu Diaz says:

    E. Sarbu ; lo vi interpretar en vivo, era muy expresivo para tocar, y muy simpatico como persona. No hizo muchas grabaciones de estudio, pero hay buenos registros de conciertos en directo.

  • Dittany Morgan says:

    RIP my friend. I’ve known Eugene since the 80s. A gentle man and a great violinist. Condolences to his sister.

  • Aldo Matassa says:

    RIP my dear friend