Composer’s widow weds

Composer’s widow weds


norman lebrecht

July 22, 2024

The Israeli composer Ella Sheriff, widow of Noam Sheriff who died six years ago, got married in a private New York ceremony yesterday to Noam Ziv, from Jerusalem.

Our blessings to the happy couple.

Ella has an opera on Alma Mahler coming up at the Vienna Volksoper.


  • Karine says:

    Your blessings perhaps. They mean nothing to me. What happens in Israel should stay there, whilst it still exists.

    • yaron says:

      Don’t be shy. As a morally superior westerner, you side with the philistines (and the freedom rapists).

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      If it means so much to you, when are you popping over to Gaza to fight in the ‘resistance’? Thought not. Puerile luxury views, again.

  • Ich bin Ereignis says:

    I wonder if a DVD of “Die Banalität der Liebe” will ever be released? I saw it in Regensburg and enjoyed it immensely.

  • Ich bin Ereignis says:

    …and, of course, congratulations! I actually met Noam Sheriff during a year of study 40 years ago at the Jerusalem Rubin Academy of Music, a lovely man.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Nice folky music with an arabian touch and also strangely sounding like Soviet music.