Australian conductor dies

Australian conductor dies


norman lebrecht

July 31, 2024

We have been informed of the death of Brian Buggy, influential music director of the Sydney Youth Orchestra.



  • Chris says:

    I first met Brian in 2008 when my youth orchestra from the US collaborated with the excellent Sydney Youth Orchestra Philharmonic, of which he was the conductor. Brian and I immediately hit it off and remained friends for many years, including meeting up in the UK and the US.

    He was so kind, funny, self deprecating, and never wanted to brag about the massive accomplishments he made in Australian music education (although he was awarded the Order of Australia medal for those accomplishments)

    Brian was a fine composer too and I led the US premiere of three of his works. He will definitely be missed but leaves such a lasting legacy with his unwavering dedication to young musicians for many decades.

  • Steven says:

    So sad to hear of Brian’s passing. A dear, sweet, encouraging, kind and passionate man who always made time for everyone. I feel privileged to have known him for many years and am so pleased that some of my orchestras had the chance to work with him. Rest in peace Brian.