Arguably the least musical US national anthem

Arguably the least musical US national anthem

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

July 16, 2024

Meet Ingrid Andress, country music star from Nashville, Tennessee.


  • Tricky Sam says:

    Absolutely disgraceful.

    • Tiredofitall says:

      She admitted today that she was drunk during the performance and is checking herself into a rehab facility. All true. At least she has an excuse; the organizers, not so much.

  • Mick the Knife says:

    she needs auto tuner

    • Gerard says:

      Even that won’t make it better 😉

    • Nydo says:

      Actually, according to a number of people with connections in pop music, this was done with simple autotune, set to the key of F, though I’m not sure how that program would deal with the b natural in the first phrase. She started closer to F#, and then rambled around above that for the rest of the performance, and confused the program. I wouldn’t vouch for that, though. Live Autotune isn’t in my field of expertise; live real tuning is (with some faults).

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    O’er keys astray, loud,
    Anthems drift, tunes not so proud,
    Earplugs, save the crowd.

  • Tiredofitall says:

    WTF? This is the level to which the USA and the state of popular music has devolved.

    We’re doomed.

    • B. Guerrero says:

      Relax. Truly bad national anthems at sports stadiums is an everyday occurrence in the U.S., and has been for a very long time. It gives people something to yack about.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        She admitted to being drunk during the performance. But then, that condition may extend to many at the stadium.

    • Bone says:

      Pop music is definitely in the gutter (literally and figuratively).
      As long as Trump wins I think the US is salvageable. Otherwise we’ll wind up looking like France and Britain sooner rather than later.

      • Tiredofitall says:

        There is no reputable performer in the US who would perform at Trump’s last inauguration nor at the White House during his time in office. They know a person is judged by the company they keep.

      • henry williams says:

        stan kenton
        and buddy rich
        said country music .is the worst music.

  • V.Lind says:

    This is the All-Star Game, a celebration with no dire consequences. To invite someone like this creature, who looks like Truffaut’s L’Enfant Sauvage and utters similar sounds is an insult to all the players who strove to be chosen for this event, to say nothing of the millions of ears assaulted by this bilge live (Gawd help ’em) and on TV (mute button available).

    If the people in charge of selecting musical guests for events have decided this is music, we are indeed going into dire times.

    • Nydo says:

      This is the Home Run Derby, the night before the All Star Game, so it isn’t even at that level. In regard to her selection, there is this from a NYT article: Andress, 32, has ties to Major League Baseball through her father, Brad Andress, who was a coach for the Detroit Tigers, Colorado Rockies and New York Mets.
      Today, she announced that she was drunk while singing it, and has now entered rehab. Make of that what you want.

    • anmarie says:

      Even worse than her poor singing was your calling her “this creature”.

    • Sisko24 says:

      There are indeed many ways to avoid that kind of desecration of the US national anthem. One of them would be to hire a good US college band as was done for some of the earliest Super Bowls.

  • Linda says:

    If Trump wins, book her for the inauguration. She will set the tone for what is to follow (it could be suggested)

    • Bone says:

      Trump will win. Not sure you recall what it was like when the US was a superpower with an energy surplus and (relatively) controlled immigration, but that’s the US I’d like to see again.
      This songstress, however, probably needs to continue performing with electronic enhancement and avoid further acoustic engagements.

    • Alank says:

      Can you for once leave your TDS at home? As if Biden and Obama could differentiate Mahler from Bach.

      • Sisko24 says:

        I’m not certain who the last President was who truly knew classical music. Certainly NOT Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush-2, Obama, Trump or Biden. Before Reagan, the only US President I’d hazard a guess knew his classical music might have been Kennedy. But (again) that’s just a guess.

    • J Barcelo says:

      MAGA 2024! You fools with blinders on betray your own ignorance and hatred. If you look at the facts things were very good under Trump. We weren’t on the verge of WWIII for one thing.

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    Billy: ’Beautiful! Very passionate, very appropriate. I was almost brought to tears.’

    Cousin Gilda: ‘Yes, it’s the feeling, the feeling that counts, not the notes.’

  • Margart Koscielny says:

    She must have been caught in the crossfire at Fort McHenry during the Battle…her Ghost resurrected to afflict the Victors, as revenge.

  • rustier spoon says:

    What on earth….Heavens to murgatroyd!!!

  • Officer Krupke says:


  • Benjamin Nisbet says:

    Update: she has apparently taken to social media to announce that she was drunk, and has checked herself into rehab. Best wishes in her recovery.

    • Bone says:

      This is typical American entertainer maneuvering: do/say/write something that causes controversy, then shirk accountability by blaming controversy on outside elements.
      Nothing new. She doesn’t need your prayers – just your memory erased.

  • Sian Jennings says:

    At least she did it with feeling. Here’s my favourite which I’m sure many of you will know:

  • Barney says:

    I once attended a rugby international in Canada. The Canadian anthem was sung a cappella by a paralysed rock star who was in a wheelchair.

    It was excruciating – but Ms Andress’s caterwauling makes it seem like the Music of the Spheres

  • Bill Blake says:

    It was a sad display. Andress admitted to having been intoxicated, and she will be seeking treatment.

  • Tricky Sam says:

    She has issued a statement today admitting that she was drunk and has now entered into rehab.

  • minacciosa says:

    That performance was disgraceful. Still, the American national anthem is not a bad tune but it is awkwardly written and difficult to sing. So, what are the most beautiful ones? I’ve heard many but one I think to be among the very best and most musical will surprise you; it belongs to Grand Cayman and is titled Beloved Isles Cayman.

    • V.Lind says:

      I always loved to hear the old anthem of the Soviet Union (the Alexandrov), and learned the lyrics of the first verse in Russian. Then the new lot changed them on me! But at least they kept the wonderful music.

  • Chris says:

    And Stravinsky was questioned by Boston Police for far less…

  • Guest 123 says:

    My Washington DC insider sources tell me that she’s already being considered as one of the potential vocalist at Trump’s inauguration. Her version of the anthem will be much like Trump second term

  • Doug Bancroft says:

    I’ve contacted PETA, it sounds like a cat was being strangled.

  • Margaret Koscielny says:

    Apparently, according to her, she was drunk. Well….I Never!

  • Tweeter says:

    This reminds me of another singer who was constantly modulating while singing the anthem. Some barbershop singers made it sound great.

  • M.Arnold says:

    oh, for the days when Robert Merrill would sing the Anthem @ Yankee Stadium.

  • perturbo says:

    UPDATE: She apologized today, said she was drunk, and now has checked into a rehab facility. I wish her sobriety and a good recovery.

  • SC says:

    She just announced on Instagram that she was inebriated, and is checking herself into a rehabilitation facility to get help. The statement is very apologetic.

  • J Barcelo says:

    Terrible. But compared to some of the miserable renditions I’ve heard at WNBA games she’s utterly brilliant.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Needs more cowbell, AND more violas!!!

  • PaulD says:

    Too much Jack Daniels, apparently.

    From USA Today:

    “Ingrid Andress, whose rendition of the national anthem went viral after her performance at the MLB Home Run Derby on Monday, is checking into rehab.

    The singer revealed on social media Tuesday that she was intoxicated while singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at the event.

    “I’m not gonna (expletive) y’all, I was drunk last night,” she wrote on her social media platforms Tuesday. “I’m checking myself into a facility today to get the help I need. That was not me last night. I apologize to MLB, all the fans, and this country I love so much for that rendition.

    “I’ll let y’all know how rehab is. I hear it’s super fun,” she wrote, signing the message “xo, Ingrid.””

  • Trebor Schmidt says:

    She later admitted to be hammered beyond belief…. And entered rehab today!

  • Douglas says:

    “I was drunk last night. I’m checking myself into a facility today to get the help I need. That was not me last night. I apologize to MLB [Major League Baseball], all the fans, and this country I love so much for that rendition.”

  • Willem Philips says:

    Addendum to this travesty: despite the dismal performance which is not as egregiously as many, she was inebriated and has consented to institutionalization for therapy. For me, still, besides some pity, it doesn’t excuse her poor judgment to perform.

  • Mather Pfeiffenberger says:

    This was for the Home Run Derby, which takes place the night before the All-Star Game. Ms. Andress has apologized, has said that she was drunk during her performance, and has checked into rehab today.

  • Jack says:

    With an octave and a half range, it’s definitely one of the most difficult national anthems to sing. It doesn’t help that she was hammered and maybe not hearing her monitor speakers.

    If you want to hear it done by a pro, listen to Met Opera basso Ara Berberian singing it at the 1984 World Series. Tremendous!

  • Kurt says:

    Inebriated. Sad.

  • CJGRAPE says:

    She admitted today that she was drunk last night and has entered rehab.

  • Max Raimi says:

    She has acknowledged on social media that she was drunk at the performance. She is struggling with a disease. But I hope all the people on this site and pretty much everywhere else I look feel better about themselves for having crafted a devastating insult directed at her. What a heroic thing it is to kick somebody when they are down behind an anonymous screen name!

    • Jimbo says:

      If by disease you refer to alcoholism… it’s not a disease … it’s an addiction. Hopefully she’ll get help.

    • V.Lind says:

      I think you are being both harsh and unfair. People commented on the performance, which was a disgrace. Comments since she has admitted to performing drunk (another disgrace) and apologising and stating she will seek professional help have been sympathetic and encouraging.

  • Ludwig's Van says:

    Does she have a day-job? If not, she’d better find one…

  • Nick2 says:

    I have never understood why in the USA it is felt necessary for the Anthem to be sung at major – and even minor – events. Often it is massacred by out of tune singing and various other vocal oddities. Why do they not simply play a recording of the Anthem to give it the respect it surely deserves?

    • Max Raimi says:

      The history is actually pretty interesting. During the First World War, there was a fair amount of moral indignation directed at Major League Baseball. The idea of men being paid to play a boy’s game while their peers were dying in France did not sit well. Indeed, the 1918 baseball season was cut a month short. It was in this era that Major League Baseball, in an effort to address this attitude, decided it was necessary to demonstrate baseball’s patriotism by introducing the ritual of the Star Spangled Banner before games. A lot of other institutions, such as the Chicago Symphony (whose roster was overwhelmingly German at the time) did the same.
      For some reason, baseball held on to the ritual after the war, and as other professional sports leagues emerged in the US, they emulated baseball. I have arranged the anthem for multiple violas, and on two occasions the Chicago Symphony viola section performed it before Chicago White Sox games.

  • Tom M. says:

    What a revoltin’ development this is.

  • True Patriot says:

    But how brilliantly evocative as an expression of our fraying democracy and a corrupt Supreme Court seemingly intent on bringing down our hallowed Constitution and the country with it! Very musically apt.

  • Jimbo says:

    A metaphor for the USA?

  • Nazard says:

    She would be a front runner in any audition for the post of Worship Leader in an Anglican Church.

  • Marlow says:

    Next time they should invite me. I can sing jus

  • Matt says:

    Roseanne Barr’s rendition in 1990 was much more disrespectful and musically worse

  • Music fan says:

    Oh we’ve heard worse, much worse.

  • Michael Turner says:

    Oh my! This is wonderful. It’s up there with Florence Foster Jenkins singing the Queen of the Night, or even better Kermit the Frog’s rendition of Danny Boy.

  • David K. Nelson says:

    As bad as this was, the fact that the singer has a drinking problem at least suggests she wasn’t set on desecrating the national anthem. That cannot be said of Roseanne Barr who, being a comedienne, viewed it as an opportunity for comedy, which she later regretted. Here it is

  • Robert says:

    Sailor Sabol’s 2021 CPAC National Anthem is still #1 in my book

  • sabrinensis says:

    Checking into rehab won’t help; checking into Juilliard might. There are issues here that go beyond a penchant for sour mash. Stop making excuses for people lauded as good singers who patently are not.

  • CSquarcialupi says:

    Considering the melody of the Star Spangled Banner was lifted from the English drinking song To Anacreon in Heaven, her tipsy version was probably quite accurate.

  • Linda says:

    She’s admitted being drunk during the performance

  • zandonai says:

    Ironically the Star Spangled Banner was originally an English drinking song.

    I would have MUCH preferred Irving Berlin’s “America the Beautiful” as the U.S. national anthem — better words, better music and easier to sing.

    • Save the MET says:

      There was discussion, but in FDR’s time they would not allow a Russian immigrant Jewish composer to have that honor. It should be revisited.

  • Save the MET says:

    Apparently she’s a highly talented hot mess who has been nominated for 4 Grammy’s. The entire fiasco is really tragic and a cautionary tale.

  • Tom Wells says:

    Clearly, the person who wrote the headline about the least musical Anthem doesn’t keep up with history. Tell him to ask his mom who Roseanne Barr is.