Anna Netrebko sends a signal

Anna Netrebko sends a signal


norman lebrecht

July 28, 2024

The soprano, presently divorcing tenor Yusif Eyvazov, posted the attached selfie on her Instagram account last week. The picture was unsaved and disappeared after 24 hours.

Plenty of fans circulated it, however.

And Austria’s Kronenzeitung rushed into print.

Netrebko has also opened a tik-tok account.

Next stop: Only Fans?


  • Ed says:

    So I take it Norman thinks flagrant chauvinism is OK if the object is Russian?

  • Rj Scmidt says:

    She’s getting for Salome…

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Looks like she could do with a selfie-stick.

  • IP says:

    I think she has given rather explicit interviews extolling the sexual prowess and stamina of Mr. Yusi. It won’t be easy to fill the vacuum.

  • Herbie G says:

    Is she just conveying the fact that she’s now available?

  • vadis says:

    Did you censor the photo or is the original like that?

  • Alex Winters says:

    Good for her. Life is for living.

  • Alviano says:

    There is no such thing as bad publicity.

  • GUEST says:

    But does she sing in the shower?

  • Potpourri says:

    Coco Chanel said, “A woman is closest to being naked when she is well-dressed.” I have attended operas where women in the audience and on the stage are more exposed than Anna Netrebko in this glamour photo. The imagination is a powerful stimulus.

  • Ernest says:

    Looks like she is planning a career beyond singing …

  • Carl says:

    I bet Manahem Pressler is looking down and smiling that his Debussy recording (see the picture) was used for this little photo shoot.

  • Sue Sonata Form says:

    I wondered how long that marriage would last!!

  • John Borstlap says:

    In fact, the picture is from the shower scene of the private performance of Fidelio in the Kremlin in 2020.

  • Robert says:

    For what reason do you post her private photos?