ABC Classics uncovers female orgasms in classical music

ABC Classics uncovers female orgasms in classical music

Daily Comfort Zone

norman lebrecht

July 12, 2024

‘Is is about masturbating while thinking about God?’ wonders the ABC producer about Hildegard von Bingen.

Watch here.


  • Henry Penn says:

    There’s a clinic in Belgium offering natural therapy for erectile dysfunction where certain passages by. Wagner are used. In a few instances they have apparently recorded an encore.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Pretty sure this doesn’t apply to the viola players. Are they ever satisfied?

  • caranome says:

    This is it, the missing link! To reimagine classical music so it is more accessible n relevant to a younger, more inclusive audience that can be sustained way into the future. Have a von Bingen concert with audio-visual effects n audience participation welcomed.

  • V.Lind says:

    Video unavailable and the “here” link is dead.

    To say nothing of the typos in the header…

  • John Borstlap says:

    I could share some sensational information but my job description doesn’t allow me.


  • Patricia says:

    What’s up with your spelling? Are you nervous ;-)?

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    “Oooooh Viridissima Virga.”

  • Monty Earleman says:

    EXCELLENT accompanying picture!

  • Andrew Clarke says:

    The Australian Broadcasting Commission is an audiovisual museum of the phantasies of the intellectual left ca 1968-1975, and it is frequently beyond parody. As the cost of running the ABC increases, its ratings for both radio and TV continue to plunge. Unfortunately it is paid for by general revenue so we have no means of withholding payment for the bloody thing. Calls for it to be privatised as a subscription service or else limited to a news service for the outback, are increasingly frequent.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      Sounds a bit like the BBC.

      • Andrew Clarke says:

        It’s a very great deal like the BBC, both the old ABC and the new one. In fact a turning point was when the ABC stopped broadcasting the old style BBC programmes like The Epilogue or Talking about Music or My Word.

      • Paul Brownsey says:

        Well, that’s something to be said in its favour, despite the present bit of nonsense.

    • MWnyc says:

      Well, I sometimes enjoy listening to the Lunchtime Concert on ABC Classic, and I’m thousands of miles from Australia. For whatever that’s worth.

  • Willym says:

    Like this is a new theory?

  • Robin Blick says:

    Isolde’s liebestod.

  • Ulisses says:

    Funny as these sheer opinions are expressed, they nevertheless do not convey reality, as far as historical & ecclesiastical facts are concerned. Hildegard is a saint of the Catholic Church, and, yes, had visions of heavens, which she described in texts and some illustrations (some of them
    mandala-like), besides her more terrestrial knowledge in cooking, remedies and herbs.
    Cum grano salis, the ABC producer brings her own sexual bias to a highly spiritualized matter as the vision of saints and classical music (any psychoanalyst may explain the producer’s opinions better). I guess the result was intended only to make a sensation, not to reveal truth.