A conductor credits his assistant

A conductor credits his assistant


norman lebrecht

July 01, 2024

This is uncommon.

The Finnish conductor Hannu Lintu writes:

When a conductor is preparing an opera production he/she needs an assistant. Conducting assistants provide an extra pair of ears, they listen to the balance, observe the language and monitor the tempi. Best assistants also serve as messengers between the conductor and the rest of the team. Some assistants are also helpful when the conductor’s musical ideas get out of hand…
While building a new production of Pelléas et Mélisande at @bayerischestaatsoper I have had a pleasure to work with my pupil and colleague James S. Kahane. He has just become the Music Director of the Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra in Canada and I’m sure he has a wonderful professional future ahead.
Premiere on July the 9th at the Münchner Opernfestpiele


  • Andrew Powell says:

    Off-topic but it should be noted that this is the second brand-new staging of Pelléas et Mélisande at the Prinz-Regenten-Theater in only nine years, rather proving that these productions are of the THROW-AWAY kind despite good casts and conductors.


  • Anthony Sayer says:

    This needs restating on behalf of all assistants and répétiteurs in opera houses without whose work outside of the limelight no production of any value would ever see the light of day.

    And yet they are either routinely ignored, or their work denigrated, by management – ‘If you’re not happy, there are hundreds more just waiting to take your position ‘ (Show me the répétiteur who has never heard that) – as well as being systemically underpaid the world over.

    Good for you, Hannu. You are not alone, but this kind of statement should be heard more often from your colleagues. Only then might theatre directors actually start respecting their in-house music staff.

    • Jennifer says:

      Agree – and how about all of their Executive Assistants get some shout outs too….some real thankless music directors/conductors out there.

      • Anthony Sayer says:

        Too many to mention. I’ve also found that the most considerate conductors are also the best at their job.

  • Officer Krupke says:

    An interesting and gracious insight.

  • perturbo says:

    Norman, can you please have your web person fix the site so that the COMMENTS page doesn’t show half an image?

  • jc says:

    Hannu Lintu is an extraordinary conductor who deserves more recognition and opportunities than the flashy and showy hotshots from his country

  • Mark Cogley says:

    Definitely a man-bites-dog story!

  • zandonai says:

    Biden should thank Kamala for keeping him going and going.

    • Gavin Elster says:

      Sorry, but Kamala is part of the formula that’s dragging Biden down! Wish they (the condescending DNC puppet masters) had picked the great Tammy Duckworth. I hope to see more of her in the future, maybe the August Convention?