You can now watch opera with Braille surtitles

You can now watch opera with Braille surtitles


norman lebrecht

June 11, 2024

New Zealand Opera’s general director, Brad Cohen, has devised a way to send simultaneous texts to braille-reading machines for audience members who have trouble reading the surtitles above the stage.

A small step, but life changing for some spectators.

Full story here.


  • Hobbes says:

    It’s unlikely that it was Brad Cohen himself who devised this, but if he did then credit where credit’s due. Hopefully technology that can easily – and cheaply – be rolled out elsewhere so that opera and vocal performances can be as accessible as possible.

  • Fred Funk says:

    Is it possible that Mr. Cohen could work on a sight reading method, for the viola players?

  • zandonai says:

    what’s next… opera for deaf people?

  • SC says:

    Phenomenal. A brilliant example of innovation in the arts that will meaningfully change people’s lives. Congratulations to everyone who made this possible!

  • Zachary Jones says:

    Didn’t see that one coming..

  • chet says:

    Or just memorize the libretti like we all do.

  • John Borstlap says:

    It is an ideal way of watching Regietheater productions, also for seeing people.