Winchester Cathedral sends blessings to BBC boss who quit

Winchester Cathedral sends blessings to BBC boss who quit


norman lebrecht

June 21, 2024

Here’s the latest response from the besieged Dean  and Chapter to the Bishop’s demand for an inquiry over NDAs, bullying and general mismanagement allegations:

Winchester Cathedral welcomes Bishop Mounstephen’s Review. We are committed to fully engaging in the process, which will be conducted for the Bishop by an independent third party.

We appreciate the Bishop’s support and share a desire to quickly understand and address any concerns related to our culture, management, or governance — particularly in light of the recent concerns around the management of the much-loved choral tradition. We recognise that trust in the Cathedral’s leadership is essential for a healthy and flourishing church and see a review as an opportunity to work towards that end goal.

With the news of his resignation, we also want to thank Mark Byford (pictured) for his dedicated service as Senior Non-Executive Member of Chapter at Winchester Cathedral over the past seven years. His contribution to the Cathedral has been invaluable. We wish him every blessing for the future and will soon share plans to ensure we can honour his contribution.


  • Anon says:

    Blessings, eh?!
    Hypocrisy at its absolute best.
    Well done Canon Mark. A man of integrity and principle.

  • Maria says:

    What a farce!

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    The Dean clearly lives in cuckoo land if she hasn’t the intelligence to see and realise the bravity of her silly actions and what is crumbling around her Cathedral. She needs to ‘wake up and smell the coffee darling’ before she is sacked for bringing the Cathedral into disrepute any further.
    This is what you get when you get women priests appointed in roles they can’t handle. Look at Emma Steyning at the CBSO to make obvious comparisons in lack of management skills and bullying as self defence when their CEO actions are, quite righty, questioned.

    • Anon says:

      Misogynistic comments are most unhelpful, and frankly offensive. They are also inaccurate.

    • Mel Cadman says:

      Sexist hate speech. Appalling stuff from the Tory back benches!

    • Mc says:

      Stop using this situation to push your own anti-female clerics agenda. Real people have and are continuing to be damaged by the bully of the Precentor who happens to be male.

  • DH says:

    … see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.

  • rita says:

    When a Catherdral splits infinitives, all is lost.

  • Antwerp Smerle says:

    Well, unlike Emma Stenning, the Dean has at least acknowledged the recent criticism. Maybe I’m naive, but as I read it, the first sentence of her second paragraph is helpfully wide-ranging in its mention of “culture, management [and] governance”.