Violinist carries torch

Violinist carries torch


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

The French violinist Renaud Capucon carried the Olympic torch at Niort yesterday on its latest leg towards Paris.


  • DG says:

    Running from the taxman is easier without a torch!

  • Joel Kemelhor says:

    Just now listening (on vinyl) to his fine recording of the Brahms violin concerto.

    • Jackson says:

      His Elgar recording is superb too, with a particularly fine accompaniment from Rattle and the LSO.

  • John Borstlap says:

    “A man should always have an occupation of some kind.” (Lady Bracknell in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’, 1st act)

  • Stephen Williams says:

    I had totally forgotten about the upcoming Olympics. One big yawnfest after yet more dreary football this month.

  • Andrew Clarke says:

    They should give the last leg to M. Capucon’s viola playing colleague Antoine Tamestit. In a recent video of “Harold in Italy”, available on Arte, M. Tamestit. demonstrated his ability to run up hill and down dale from the conductor’s podium to the percussion section up a one in twenty gradient and around various other sections of the orchestra while the work was in progress. This would make him the ideal candidate to zoom up all those steps to light the Olympic Flame.
    All this athleticism might be down to the fact that the conductor was the pugilistic Sir John Eliot Gardiner. Was Antoine trying to avoid a poignee on the pif?

  • Orest85 says:
