Sudden death of UK principal oboe

Sudden death of UK principal oboe


norman lebrecht

June 09, 2024

Friends have reported the death of Tim Watts, 2nd oboe of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra.

He was also Principal Oboe of English Touring Opera and Southern Sinfonia. Tim studied at Cambridge University and the Royal College of Music.


  • Jenny says:

    We take some comfort imagining Tim’s reaction to being described as ETO’s Principal Oboe.

  • Nicholas Daniel says:

    A huge and shattering loss to his friends, colleagues and family, to whom deepest condolences. Much love to you in the RPO, I know how hard this must be.

  • Sax Meres says:

    Loosing Tim so quickly and so early is a huge hit for the oboe world. He really was one of the good guys. Condolences and thoughts go to his family and to the woodwind team in the RPO who I know will miss him immensely.