Ryanair is no longer the worst airline (but who’s the best?)

Ryanair is no longer the worst airline (but who’s the best?)


norman lebrecht

June 15, 2024

A survey of Which readers has displaced the Irish airline from its coveted position as the least popular and worst value carrier. There is actually a short-haul airline that’s more cramped, delayed and inhospitable, believe it or not.

As for the best airline… you’d better read this for yourselves.


  • Wahlberliner says:

    It’s hardly surprising that the sort of people who subscribe to Which magazine don’t like low cost carriers. Personally, I’ve found that as long as you book early, pack light, follow the baggage rules, bring your own food, top up your water bottle at the airport, and aren’t too fussed where you sit, Ryanair & Co are a much better proposition than legacy carriers, particularly to regional destinations that the latter don’t serve at all. Ryanair has also been significantly more punctual than BA in recent flights between London and Berlin. In my experience, people who bang on about how dreadful cheap flight operators are tend to be morons or snobs or both.

    • Alviano says:

      It also helps if you have no legs.

    • Musotraveller says:

      You totally sum up my view here. And why some musicians somehow expect to be given some sort of special dispensation for carrying such expensive and valuable items at no extra charge to them, seems rather presumptuous. Read the rules and follow them, or otherwise recognise things may not work out favourably. Pay your way.

  • John Borstlap says:

    Once we flew to the Athens New Music Festival with Xenakis Happy Lines but in spite of the tickets being very expensive, it was a frightening experience, windows cracking, one wing lost a piece during turbulence (over the loudspeakers: ‘We enter now a stochastic zone…’), food inedible, drink tasted of sulphur, stewardesses shouting at passengers (‘Oh shut-up you crazy woman!’), and the toilet was merely a hole in the plane’s body which was really cold. An elderly man with a hearing aid who had complained about a bandage in his rice was dropped over Italy with a parachute. And when we got back all the passengers had to push the plane first to get the right speed to take-off, with panicky jumping on board just in time (my boss missed it and had to take a train). So, never again!


    • Not John’s mate says:

      I was actually on that same flight! So before some folk go and dismiss this, it is true.

  • zandonai says:

    I thought Easyjet was the worst. They even made a TV show about it.