Russian wins Mitropoulous

Russian wins Mitropoulous


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

The revived 16th International Dimitris Mitropoulos Competition in Salonika ended with the jury, chaired by Thomas Sanderling, withholding first prize.

Second went to a Russian, Sergey Akimov. Third was shared between Oliver Cope (UK) and Simon Edelmann (Germany).


  • Yuri K says:

    Just can’t award the 1st place to a Russian? It’s easy to figure out why:

    For the first prize winner there will be offered additional concerts with:

    1 concert with Thessaloniki State Symphony Orchestra
    1 concert with the Sofia Philharmonic
    1 radio concert with the Greek Radio Symphony Orchestra
    1 concert with the Plovdiv Opera

    A Russian playing a concert in Plovdiv? It’s easier to imagine Donald Trump invited to give a lecture at MIT.