Porsche founds a British orchestra

Porsche founds a British orchestra


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

The German luxury car-maker has rexcruited 40 local musicians to start an orchestra at its UK base in Preston, Lancashire. The city lost its last orchestra more than half a symphony ago.

A Porsch rep said: ‘When we heard that Preston was the only (large) UK city without an orchestra, we couldn’t believe it. We knew we had to do something to help. Supporting the arts is important to us. The orchestra represents innovation, excellence, and passion – values we share at Porsche. We are proud to participate in this historic new cultural chapter for Preston.’

So this is what things have come to: a high-end German manufacturer providing culture in a northern industrial town abandoned by Arts Cancel England. Well done, ACE.


  • Ex-Orchestra says:

    Now we need an orchestra in Bristol, in Exeter, in York, in Swansea, in north Wales, and everywhere else I’ve missed. Might any other German companies be willing to fund them?

    • lucas says:

      Let’s ask King Chas 3 to broker the move – he’s of German extraction and seems to be taking on every musical patronage going these days.

      • Gillian says:

        The King is a passionate supporter of classical music and an accomplished cellist. More than can be said about most of our politicians. I suggest we all vote for musicians artists and writers and not political parties and politicians. We might get better government.

        • Alun Thomas says:

          I think it essential to leverage royal interest and passion in classical music – especially when the monarch presents himself as a supporter of the arts! Let’s also be clear that the King has never been an ‘accomplished’ cellist – or anywhere close 🙂 – Support from well- known figures, business and so-called celebrities is most welcome, of course, but not so much if it propagates populism and devalues the currency of music.

    • Dingeman van Daal says:

      …maybe Rolls Royce, Bentley, Mini…?
      Oh no, they are German too…
      Sic transit gloria mundi…

    • Walter says:

      Bristol and Exeter have Bournemouth Symphony. New orchestras in those places would severely affect the BSO.

    • Dean says:

      Ever heard of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra?

  • chet says:

    It is highly not recommended for middle-aged men to play the bassoon while driving a Porsche.

    A man may be forgiven for trying one or the other in response to a mid-life crisis, but to be seen doing both simultaneously can only lead to speculations of one desperately trying to compensate for a shortcoming.

  • Voxdicentis says:

    Half a symphony ago? Beethoven’s 9th, I presume! Best Freudian typo I’ve seen in a while!
    Hastings Philharmonic, a very brave venture, could use similar help.

  • Alexandra Ivanoff says:

    In 1945, during the final days of WWII, the MÁV locomotive train company of Budapest founded an orchestra in 1945 – still named the MÁV Symphony – because “people will need a cure to heal the emotional wounds caused by the war” according to its founder, Laszlo Varga.


    Until April 2018, when the Preston Guildhall was “sold off” and closed, the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra presented a very successful subscription series which was started in 1972 by Sir Charles Groves. It thrived through until the point when the doors were closed at short notice in 2018. The series gave over 250 concerts over the years to a large audience of loyal Lancastrian supporters. When the series ended, it was nothing to do with Arts Council England, but a local political decision.
    It is a great sadness to the Orchestra, and the audience and friends up in Preston (led by the unstoppable Milena, Lady Grenfell-Baines), that there is no longer a Preston series with a professional orchestra in the city. If fortunes change for the Guildhall, the RLPO will ready to jump back on the bus to Preston.
    It was that Preston concert series that inspired the young Timothy Jackson to become a professional horn player – he is now the Principal Horn of the RLPO.
    Wishing the new Porsche Orchestra all the best – but also hoping that one day the RLPO series may return to Preston.

    • Ken Johnson says:

      Well said Sandra you can give me a good ref . . German interest is amazing . zLeipzig oldest Orchestra had in 1965:string strength 29;first violins 25 seconds
      Etc ….not all on the platform at the same time.

    • Guessed again says:

      Although the hall was “re-claimed” by the Council following the owner’s company going into administration, the upkeep costs that caused the Council to sell in the first place have also come back to haunt them in the matter of RAAC – the construction material which makes the building unsafe and which has closed many other venues. The Guildhall also hosted several UK Snooker Championships, and I wonder if ever Felice de Giardini’s “Billiard Sonata” (for viola and piano) was played there?

  • PosaunePeon says:

    Excellent news!
    Big business AND philanthropists fund many, if not most North American orchestras…
    In the UK we choose to cut them.

  • Ken Johnson says:

    I would love to conduct that orchestra and I also like working on Porsche cars ! Please let them know.

  • Yvonne Howard says:

    Is this a professional orchestra ?

    • Christopher Clift says:

      Yvonne, if it is, it can only be categorised as a chamber orchestra, Numbers would (probably) be Strings 6,5,4,3,2 (totalling 20) WW & brass 2,2,2,2,4,2,3, 1 (timps), 2 percussion (total 20)

    • B. Guerrero says:

      If they’re getting paid, then the answer is yes. How they go about auditions, funding raising (outside of Porsche) and administrating is a more complicated affair.

  • Roz says:

    It’s another step towards the end of public access to culture. Privately owned culture was a product of centuries past.

  • Bill Ducker says:

    Well done Porsche. Hoping the new orchestra will do great things in Britain and become a world class act like its illustrious sponsor. Well done Porsche May God bless you. Bill. – Uk