Notre Dame defends new organist

Notre Dame defends new organist


norman lebrecht

June 26, 2024

Monseigneur Olivier Ribadeau Dumas, Rector-archpriest of Cathedral Notre Dame de Paris, has responded to a petition by eminent organists that criticizes the engagement without trial of four young musicians.

He said that a competition for the posts would not have been ‘dignified’ or apprpriate.

He particularly defended the choice of Thibault Fajoles (pictured), 21. He had ‘proved himself for five years at Saint-Germain-L’Auxerrois where his musical competence was never called into question’. The Rector added: ‘I understand that many others are unhappy not to have been chosen’.

Plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose.


  • chet says:

    Ah, il est beau et jeune.

    But youth and beauty have always conferred a competitive advantage, no different from the collective idolatry of young good looking male conductors from Salonen, to Dudamel, to Nezet-Seguin, to Makela….

    • Hugo Preuß says:

      Apparently, despite being only 21 years of age, he has already been an organist for five years. I have never heared him, so I can’t comment on the quality of his play. How about the benefit of the doubt and a bit of patience to hear from people who can comment on his musical abilities? As for the defect of young age: that will be cured one day at a time…

  • Paul Mauffray says:

    Bravo. Thibault had already proven his musical abilities through his previous position (a reminder of how François Couperin achieved a similar position at a very young age). And actually, this is entirely different than how conductors these days are being chosen for their youth and good looks. When you attend a performance of organ music (especially in a church) you rarely even catch a glimpse of the performer. Organists are perhaps the least visible of all musicians, and to hold your attention they must truly have an incredible command of the music. I highly recommend hearing Thibault live!

    • Ugh says:

      Yes, yes, you’ve written enough promotional stuff here, we get it, you have an opinion, you’re this guy’s friend or sth, buzz off

  • Joseph says:

    Odd. A competition was deemed both dignified and appropriate in 1900, resulting in the unanimous recommendation of the jury for the appointment of Louis Vierne as titular organist of Notre-Dame. I wonder why the situation is different now.

    • Emil says:

      Well the Archpriest’s position, set out in the article (and mistranslated here): They wanted Thierry Escaich, so no concours there.
      And then they wanted a young organist to complete the team. You can’t run a concours for 1/2 posts and restrict it to young organists, so voilà.

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    Handsome chappie!

  • 343434212121 says:

    1st time in hundreds of years there has not been a concours, along with two fantastic organists fired; musical authoritarianism. There should be an open concours.