More women than men in conducting masterclass

More women than men in conducting masterclass


norman lebrecht

June 27, 2024

The Audite International Conducting Masterclass takes place this week in Budapest with the Solti Chamber Orchestras. The tutors are Jonathan Brett (UK) and Maciej Zoltowski (Poland/US).

Of the 15 candidates selected, eight are young women.

The students are from Australia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Poland, Serbia, the UK, and the USA.

William Birkbeck
Jane Brown
Karolina Csáthy
Simonida Dragovic
Mickey Margaret Hansen
Sera Lentz
Vittoria Lenzi
Yuji Maruoka
Hugh McLaren
Samuel McLellan
Susann Offenmüller
Theo Vinden
Susannah Wapshott
Dmitri Zrajevski
Tomek Zwoliński


  • says:

    Wonderful Ladies, we are getting there! Best of luck to you all

  • JanPiet says:

    Terrible agenda you have!
    Busy with bullshit instead with quality and intelligent talk about music!
    It’s getting only worse and worse with you!

  • zandonai says:

    No Asians on the list. That’s a surprise.

  • Greg Hlatky says:

    Because there’s little danger of death, injury or disablement from conducting, gender balance is important.

  • sabrinensis says:

    Who cares? Musically speaking, what makes this newsworthy?

    • Davis says:

      Those who care are the same people who cared when women were barred from major orchestras; you know, back before they could have their own credit cards.

  • Jan Piet says:

    And one more thing, by you mentioning always the gender, religion and country they come from , you are the motor for the inequality… shame on you !!

  • Anotherfemaleconductor22 says:

    This is good news! Yay!

  • zandonai says:

    More women than men in medical schools also, what does that tell you?

    • V. Lind says:

      That boys are growing up to be men who are too lazy to make the effort to do anything hard. There are more women than men in law school, too.

  • ML says:

    Eight versus seven is more or less the same numbers of men and women- hardly news! You can’t have seven and a half men and seven and a half women, obviously. It would be more accurate about “more women” if there were at least 9 women out of 15 candidates. Nothing to see here, move along.

  • Duncan says:

    so what?

  • Gabriel Parra Blessing says:

    Well, the ladies need more help, so no surprise there.

  • Jonathan Brett says:

    In my experience as a teacher musical talent and insight and the capacity for hard work which are all necessary for effective conducting respect neither gender nor race and so we should try to eliminate any underlying bias.

    As someone who has been around the block a few times I think a change in the gender balance of a class is significant. Conduxting is historically not only a largely male pursuit but one where there has been a huge element of misogyny. The classes in which I participated in my youth were invariably male and although this has steadily changed, the point where the balance tipped does somehow seem worth marking.

  • Wendy McLellan says:

    This is wonderful news. I started conducting at the age of sixteen due to the encouragement and progressive attitude of the music teacher at my grammar school. I continued to conduct various groups for the next 18 years and found it a most enjoyable and exhilarating experience. Good luck everyone and long live music in all schools.
    Wendy McLellan

  • Awakened Conductora says:

    This is a clear sign that women are taking over the conducting profession.

  • Bren Gartside says:

    Masterclass? No wonder there’s so many shit conductors today.