Mahler just got an upgrade

Mahler just got an upgrade

Why Mahler

norman lebrecht

June 06, 2024

This is the advance publicity pic for a mass joint performance by the Czech Philharmonic and the Bamberg Symphony of Mahler’s 7th symphony.

The open-air concert will be conducted in Prague on September 11 by Jakub Hrusa at the Prague Exhibition Centre, a site that resembles the former exhibition grounds where Mahler gave the world premiere in September 1908.


  • Patrick says:

    Looks like a tribute to Chairman Mahler.

  • zandonai says:

    Looks good. I’m going to hear Jaap conduct Mahler 2 tonight in NYC.
    Last night’s “Orfeo ed Euridice” at the Met was sensational.

    • zandonai says:

      Just got out of Mahler 2 concert, Jaap hit it out of the orbit, totally insane dynamics. However I must say I was disappointed with the new hall’s acoustics. My seat was in orchestra, and there’s NOT an ounce of warmth whatsoever (unlike my home base Disney Hall in L.A.) One example, the violent bass tremolo in the beginning only SOUNDED frightening, but did not punch you in the gut….because the hall has NO BASS.
      I think they need to replace the black side wall of the stage (whatever material it is) with real douglas fir wood, or do something!

  • B. Guerrero says:

    My guess is Hrusa will conduct the 7th very well. We shall see.

  • osf says:

    I know this is an “Event” combining Hrusa’s two main orchestral commitments, but Mahler 7’s instrumentation isn’t so huge that they actually need members of two orchestras to staff it adequately. The Czech Philharmonic by itself has more than enough players (even for overstaffing if nobody is rotating out for the night). Might have made more sense for Gurrelieder or Mahler 8. Nonethess, if I were in Prague I would go.