Madama Butterfly on a battleship

Madama Butterfly on a battleship


norman lebrecht

June 17, 2024

Italy’s only aircraft carrier, the Giuseppe Garibaldi, is planning to stage an opera on deck.

Singers will make their entrance by helicopter.

Read here.


  • Maria says:

    Must be desperate!

  • phf655 says:

    Authenticity isn’t the issue here, but it should be renamed the battleship Abraham Lincoln – Pinkerton’s ship, as stated in the libretto!

  • chet says:

    Makes it a lot easier for Cio-Cio-San to spot her husband’s ship when it arrives at port, don’t have to sit there all day long singing about it, though not sure Pinkerton and wife #2 would appreciate it if they saw wife #1 waiting on an aircraft carrier with guns aiming at them.

  • Sisko24 says:

    So if they want to do an encore, they could do the Stockhausen quartet since they will already have the helicopters….

  • E Edwards says:

    I’m waiting for a battleship in “Il Trovatore” a la The Marx Brothers “A Night at the Opera”

  • Herman Gottleib says:

    Il Trovatore was the original opera to be set on a battleship.

  • P. Terry says:

    Battleships and aircraft carriers are different categories of warship.

  • zandonai says:

    Looks like this Cio-Cio-San has outgunned Mrs. Pinkerton for a change.

  • Andrea Amarante says:

    It WAS the only one, until the aircraft carrier Cavour, flagship of the Italian fleet, was launched in 2009. 😉

  • Joseph Civitano says:

    Please, on all that is holy, make this stop…..