Last-gasp Evensong at Winchester this Sunday

Last-gasp Evensong at Winchester this Sunday


norman lebrecht

June 18, 2024

Comment of the day:

I’d suggest that anyone who can possibly go, you should attend evensong on Sunday 14th July at 3.30pm. I reckon Andy might play the final voluntary. It is the final service concluding the Southern Cathedrals Festival and, of course, will be his last act as Winchester Cathedral’s DoM. Whilst being able to listen to one of the world’s finest organ-playing exponents, it might give all those who truly appreciate this great man’s abilities and passion for everything that he has done for Winchester Cathedral over the last 22 years an opportunity to show Andy just how highly regarded he is by those who really know about Cathedral music (and how important it should be to the life of a once-great establishment). Dare I say it, a rousing send-off would speak volumes – to all…


  • Lapsed Organist says:

    Where did this comment come from and said by whom?
    Also, Sun July 14 is a few weeks away to allow time to get it in the diary and support.
    Maybe a standing ovation at the end of the concluding organ piece lasting as long as possible, with cheers for him and jeers for the bullying clergy might not be amiss? I’m happy to co-ordinate this

  • Edward says:

    In what way is 14th July “This Sunday”?

  • Caractacus says:

    Perhaps his concluding piece will be the little-known Variations on the Gregorian chant for All-Fools Day ‘Nil Bast**dum Carborundum’ by PDQ Bach.

  • Willym says:

    From time to time one questions if the headline writer has read the post. But it does make for good click bait.

  • Peter Kirk says:

    Date booked.

  • Anon says:

    Andy did of course, play his final recital in Winchester Cathedral this past Sunday afternoon, before Choral Evensong, and received a standing ovation. I think the link to that is still live on the Cathedral Channel.
    The Precentor was ‘graciously’ heard to say to a couple attending that, ‘Todays news is tomorrows chip paper’.

    • Gerontius says:

      Having been today’s news for a month and a half, I suspect the demand for chip paper may be exceeding supply. And if not, that many chips doesn’t suggest a long term future.

    • Jonny H says:

      If this really was the case, this is absolutely appalling and unbelievably disrespectful. Sadly, I can’t say that I’m particularly surprised.
      Perhaps he should remember that, whilst chip paper may be disposable, the internet is a lasting record. Google a name and it (with the back story) will be there for ever…

  • Fred O’Bloggs says:

    The news from The Church Times today is the best news from Winchester for several months. Hopefully the Bishop’s Independent Review will uncover the truth and we can look forward to the departures of at least three people
    The Dean
    The Precentor
    The Chief Operating Officer
    Dr Lumsden should then be given a years sabbatical on full pay in addition to whatever he receives from being gagged, have a new job created for him at the Cathedral after his sabbatical and be knighted.

  • Jonny H says:

    I posted the comment of the day in a different thread, but didn’t write the headline. I’m well aware of when the date is – and, for the most observant, you may notice a proximity of that day to the Feast Day of St. Swithun, the patron saint of Winchester Cathedral. Sadly ironic that it falls the day after Andy’s final official involvement. I should add that I don’t know if Andy will be playing – it was sort-of traditional that the DoM played the final voluntary of the year, but I can’t be certain. Either way, it’s Andy’s last evensong so please try and encourage as many of your contacts to attend, not least to thank Andy for his enormous contribution to this great tradition we have over something like 40 years. An enthusiastic gesture of thanks is the least we can give him.
    I’m pleased that there is now an official review of what has gone on there – both specifically concerning Andy’s dreadful treatment, but also in what appears to have been a developing culture of unacceptable conduct of the cathedral leadership. Maybe this might be the catalyst for the departures of those who have let this happen – preferably sooner by resigning rather waiting for the inevitable and drawing out this unhappy episode any longer than it needs to…I also hope the findings will be made public…

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    Well said Fred!
    However, as we all know, the Clergy stick together for fear of exposure as frauds.
    In every case, the Dean has more ‘powers’ in her cathedral than the Bishop, who has to be invited by her to set foot in his Cathedral.
    Don’t expect too much from the late intervention of the Bish (who really ought to have intervened long before it got into the national papers)
    These bullying senior managers clearly have no respect or interest in maintaining our cherished musical heritage – hence their extraordinary unchristian behaviour towards those musicians skilled at leading music in worship.
    It is part of a national conspiracy lead by Archbishops Welby and Cotterell to bring church music contributions in services down to the common denominator (like so many other walks of life) and continue forward with the bland pap that they consider uplifting as an aid to their bland all embracing liturgy.
    It will only be when their precious Cathedrals are empty because of poorly performed musical pap instead of our once glorious church music heritage is gone, they will realise why a huge majority of people bother to attend their buildings these days.
    Watch this space and see if the Bishop CAN turn things around and dismiss his colleagues in favour of his musicians.Please don’t hold your breath

  • Godfrey HILL says:

    I fear the events at Winchester are becoming all too familiar; especially when one considers the happenings at York and Sheffield; not to mention the, often unreported, happenings in Deaneries and Parishes within the UK.
    I first had the privilege of meeting Andy when he was D of M at Lichfield and I was a member of his ‘Special Choir’. He was certainly no slouch; I remember his talking to us for about ten minutes – telling us where we had been less than up to standard – and then saying, very matter of factly,: “From the top. These are your notes.” He then gave us the notes for each voice, seemingly, just as a matter of no great effort on his part.
    On one occasion, when rehearsing with an orchestra and singing in six part harmony, he stopped to say: “Second Sopranos – you’re going sharp.” That simply reinforced my acceptance that he was too good for me.
    I have now reached the grand old age where I do not have to concern myself too much with the upper echelons of the hierarchy who apparently run the C of E. I tend to go along with the concept that most of them were appointed to the apex of their incompetence, or to put it anther way, the lunatics have now taken over the asylum.
    I follow a God who, for some reason, continues to love me. He, thankfully, ignores the fact that if I did not know myself so well I wouldn’t even speak to me.
    O do, however, fear that in a few years time congregations will wonder just what happened to all the bell-ringers and musicians (including choirs) in our Churches and Cathedrals. By such time it will probably be too late to start recruiting again.
    So much for popularity, instant fame and the lowest common denominator.
    So much for ‘Bread and Circuses’.

  • Jonny H says:

    A reminder to you all that Andy Lumsden’s last service at Winchester is next Sunday – 14th July at 3.30pm. The music really couldn’t be any better…

    Rose Responses
    Psalm 66 vv.1-12 (if you look this up, the irony won’t be lost on you!)
    Stanford in A
    Parry – Blest pair of Sirens
    Voluntary – Walton – Crown Imperial (possibly played by Andy himself)

    For those wanting to make a day of it, you could also go to the Foundation Day Festival Eucharist in the morning where the Bishop is preaching (he who commissioned the investigation into the conduct at the cathedral) as well as he delivering his Charge – which could be interesting…The mass setting is the mad but incredible Missa Festiva by Flor Peeters!!!

    The service listing (which includes the services for the Southern Cathedrals Festival) is here…

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a fantastic turnout and reception for Andy? I, for one, will certainly be going, making the 4.5 hour round trip to do so. It’s the very least I could do to show my appreciation for one of the very best.