Just in: French justice fails Ravel

Just in: French justice fails Ravel


norman lebrecht

June 28, 2024

Plus ca change in the court’s decision on who owns copyright in Bolero:

Maurice Ravel’s heiress, Evelyne Pen de Castel, has been ordered to pay one euro ‘in compensation for her damage resulting from the abuse of the author’s moral rights’, was the learned judges’ decision in Nanterre.

There will, of course, be another appeal.

Copyright in Ravel’s works lapsed in 2008, 70 years after his death, but the heir claim a ‘collaborative copyright’ in the lucrative Bolero.


  • Concertgebouw79 says:

    Better to talk about the BPO who played a superb Ravel concert at the Waldbühne last week with not only Bolero… but Daphnis also. I’am always happy when they play him in Germany and Austria because he never had there the place he has in France Japan Korea and USA. I’am curisous to know if the radios play him more than few years ago. Once I have talk with a Bavarian who told me that the Bavarian radio almost never plays his music I was upset… Hope it changed.

  • Guido de Arezzo says:

    I became a professional musician because of Bo Derek.

    Please don’t mess with the Bolero.

  • zandonai says:

    Why, are they going to sue my local bowling alley Bowlero for copyright infringement also?

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    In case anyone is wondering, it wasn’t the “‘hottest erotic film of” any century; it was mediocre at best. How many such films does one count the music as the highlight? Well, this was one. A nice synthesizer groove lontano would have sufficed; Ravel’s music provides too much distraction for such sequences of romantic acrobatics.

  • Anon! A Moose! says:

    I think a better headline would be “justice and common sense prevails over greedy heiress”

  • J Barcelo says:

    Lucrative indeed. Back some 20 years ago I was talking about rental fees for Bolero and the licensee told me that it was still earning almost 150,000 Euros every year. No wonder several people have tried to claim partial credit for the monotonous music.

    • Anthony Sayer says:

      And the talent-free spongers still Tri it on. Ravel had no children, no ‘heir’ actually exists.

      • Robert says:

        Everyone has heirs.

        If dying childless meant one did not have heirs, most monarchies would have died out centuries ago.

  • Anthony Sayer says:

    What has autocarrot done to my post?

    • Alex Winters says:

      This website would be better if all posters, including NL, were to read, and if necessary correct, their posts before hitting “Send”. Failure to do that is disrespectful towards one’s readers.

  • Robert says:

    She has been ordered to pay one Euro? For damages? What damages was she liable for?

    The account is unclear.