Just in: Finns fire ‘inappropriate’ conductor

Just in: Finns fire ‘inappropriate’ conductor


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

The broadcaster YLE reports that Finnish National Opera has terminated its contract with the conductor Jonas Rannila, following claims of ‘inappropriate’ behaviour towards youg men. He denies the claims.

Rannila, 35, has also been suspended from the Helsinki Philharmonic Choir and other organisations.

Full story here (in Finnish).

He has posted this statement: I express my deep apologies to anyone who has been offended by my behaviour. This was not my intention. I also express my apologies to my colleagues, partners and employers for the inconvenience caused. I hope my privacy is respected and I can deal with things in peace. I have understood the problematic features of my behavior and I will act differently in the future.
I thank my loved ones for their support. I won’t comment on the matter any further.


  • V.Lind says:

    Are none of these people capable of having normal, consensual relationships with people who are over the legal age of consent?

    You have to start a relationship somewhere, but are they incapable of expressing interest without inappropriately touching people who may not be interested?

    • Tweeter says:

      Mmm….what do you exactly mean with ‘these people’?

      • The View from America says:

        People who offend, presumably. And they come in all stripes.

      • V.Lind says:

        All the people reported on here on Slipped Disc who have lost their jobs or been suspended pending investigations because of some alleged inappropriate sexual behaviour with others, be it students, members of their ensembles, whoever.

        All the people reported on elsewhere –in ballet, in politics, in the media, in hospitals and universities and school to whom the same situations apply.

        All the people of whom one sighs upon reading yet another story, “Will they never learn?”

        Their ages, material circumstances, power bases, sexual preferences, marital statuses, vary, but they are all IDIOTS. Who seem incapable of behaving properly with others.

      • Bill says:

        The people that have been accused of such things, no doubt.

  • Sorin Braun says:

    Fin du Finn ?

  • Carl says:

    Curious that he apologizes to his “partners,” implying that he has more than one significant other. Maybe he means “friends” but Finns usually have a pretty strong grasp of English and know the distinction.