Jonny Greenwood rejects ‘silencing’ of Israeli artists

Jonny Greenwood rejects ‘silencing’ of Israeli artists


norman lebrecht

June 04, 2024

The Radiohead musician performed a concert in Tel Aviv last week with the Israeli artist Dudu Tassa and Arab musicians from other countries, prompting calls from the BDS movement for him to join its boycott.

Greenwood has published a sharp retort on Twitter-X and Youtube.



  • Steve says:


  • Bulgakov says:


  • Oof says:

    That Tassa guy, less than a year ago, was playing gigs for IDF.

    From wiki:

    In December 2023, Tassa took part in a series of events organized by Israel Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Culture and Sports Minister Miki Zohar, and performed in Israeli bases for Israel Defense Forces soldiers fighting in Gaza.

  • Gabriel Parra Blessing says:

    Bravo. Eloquent and classy. What a difference between Greenwood and the BDS cromagnons he’s up against.

  • Gerry Feinsteen says:

    What’s unfortunate is that children born in Israel are expected to be wiped off the map in the “river to sea” genocidal movement. It is apparently acceptable to the modern Left for Hamas to wipe out an entire group of people, as long as that group is Israeli. The best thing for the Palestinians is for someone to take out Hamas. Until then, this conflict will go on and off, and on and off, and on…

    Mr Greenwood makes a solid case, and he’s not representing Radioheard.

    Let us hope Hamas stops making life miserable for its people and its neighbors.

    It’s Pride Month. How are they celebrating it in Palestine? The same way they always have: In Fear of Hamas.

    To all of you lost in the sweetness of the New York Times and the little BBC, Hamas is a terrorist group that has a sophisticated propaganda machine. Hamas would rather kill its own people than let anyone else save them because Hamas can find a way to falsely lay blame on Israel.

    Netanyahu is not perfect, but Israel’s arsenal could wipe away Gaza, and fortunately it hasn’t! Israel sends warning messages and takes unprecedented steps to protect innocent Palestinians.

    For a better world: End Hamas.

    Stop hating.

    • soavemusica says:

      The “river to sea” -slogan fits Israel, too.

      “The best thing for the Palestinians is for someone to take out Hamas. Until then, this conflict will go on and off, and on and off, and on…”

      If Hamas is defeated, another terrorist organization is likely to follow, and Israel will hardly recognize any UN limits.

      Let`s face it: There is no end to this conflict, ever, because both sides want a one-state solution.

    • Tamino says:

      re „wiping out“. The reality is, that about ten times more indigenous people to the land have been killed, than those from the tribe of the more recently arrived settlers. Who is wiping out who?

      • yaron says:

        The Jews are the indignous people – the Arabs appeared on the scene 1600 years later.

        • Tamino says:

          Oh please. Many people have lived there over the centuries. This place doesn’t belong to any specific people per se. Unless you believe in the spaghetti monster. Or was it Ra? Or Jaweh? Or Shiva? Getting confused with all these human creations of imagined deities. See a mental health specialist please.

        • Tamino says:

          Also waiting for your logic to apply to the Comanche and Sioux and Apache slaughtering the European settlers to America and claiming back their homeland and you defending them and being consistent.
          And in their case their claim would go back 200 years or less. Not 2.000 years.

  • Dave T says:

    I don’t think that this will satisfy the BDS Stalinists but it’s worth a try.

  • Affreux Jojo says:

    But of course…
    Others, do not apply.