Igor Levit is the German national  pianist

Igor Levit is the German national pianist


norman lebrecht

June 09, 2024

The Russian-born anti-fascist has been awarded the German National Prize.

Levit, 37, takes home 30,000 Euros.

The German National Foundation said in Berlin that Levit was an important musician, committed citizen and one of the most impressive voices against anti-Semitism in Germany.


  • John Humphreys says:

    A powerful presence on the musical scene; magnificent pianist and deeply principled human being whose concerns go way beyond merely playing the piano. Honoured to have spent time in his company.

    • Carlos says:

      How could one vote down this news? Every single part of this statement is true!

      • john humphreys says:

        Yes Carlos – those who vote down this news are merely frustrated wannabes with, possibly a race card to play (or are musically deaf).

    • Willy says:

      Shouldn’t it be all about the piano playing though? I think musicians need to stay in their lane. Being an expert in one field doesn’t equate to expertise in other fields.

      • john humphreys says:

        Does Igor claim to be an ‘expert’ in other fields? Do you need to be an ‘expert’ to call out anti-semitism wherever you see it? Are public performers required to be faceless individuals pumping out notes for your delectation?

        • V. Lind says:

          Exactly. Most people who speak out on an issue have other employment. I have never seen the argument that being a successful artist, or musician, or anything else “famous,” means a person has to check his/her humanity at the door.

          And it is hardly shocking that Jewish pianist speaks out against anti-Semitism. It should not be any more shocking if a Gentile pianist — or anything else — does.

        • John Borstlap says:

          No, the suspicion is about virtue signalling to enhance one’s career, and narcissistic exposure seeking beyond one’s musical expertise. It is all an attempt to draw attention to the performer, instead of the music.

      • UWS Tom says:

        So “shut up and play” is what you advocate?

        • Shut UP And Play says:

          Yes. Please. No one, except the other obvious virtue signallers, gives a toss. Of course, in the case of “Igor”, the playing itself is not much to talk about. Hence, all the talk. See any of a number of increasingly fawning articles, including a recent one in the Guardian in which he claims without the slightest evidence that “people keep saying they want to deport me”. Apparently no one interviewing him ever asks for actual facts, like: Who? Who actually said this (supposedly multiple times)? Where did this happen? Was there a police report?

          But that would go against the narrative, of course.

  • Felix says:

    Contrary to what the title might suggest, this prize is awarded by a private foundation and is not an official prize of the Federal Republic of Germany.

    • Esfir Ross says:

      It’s safe for Igor to fight antisemitism. His parents didn’t dare to fight it in USSR. They moved to Germany where Jews couldn’t fight at 3rd Reich.. Not to Jewish autonomy region where Jews didn’t suffer antisemitism and no need to fight it.