Has Paris any idea what an Olympic theme sounds like?

Has Paris any idea what an Olympic theme sounds like?


norman lebrecht

June 18, 2024

This is the official musical theme of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, composed by Victor le Masne.

It’s called Parade.

This was London 2012.

Your call.


  • Alviano says:

    The French can never do it as well as you Brits. Be smug while your little island floats off into the sea.

    • chet says:

      The British isles will never float off, they’ll just sink back into the ocean with the rising seas from global warming.

      Good thing Britannia rules the waves because Brits will be living off battleships and offshore platforms

    • william osborne says:

      Actually, Chariots of Fire was composed by Vangelis, a Greek, in celebration of a century ago when the British actually won a foot race. 🙂

  • Kyle A Wiedmeyer says:

    Should’ve taken John Williams and his works for Olympic Games: ’84, ’88 (South Korea or Calgary, don’t know which), ’96, and ’02.

  • Kyle A Wiedmeyer says:

    Whoops, meant to say “taken as inspiration”

  • frank says:

    Sounds like the sound track for a really bad Netflix movie.

    • V. Lind says:

      I thought it sounded like the sort of thing a TV network puts on if their transmitter lets them down.

  • Rustier Spoon says:

    Sounds like Nielsen…

  • Pianofortissimo says:

    It’s ”game music.”

  • Andrew Clarke says:


  • John Borstlap says:

    I don’t know which is worse.

  • Tricky Sam says:

    So London copied “Chariots of Fire?”

    • V. Lind says:

      Copied nothing. Used it. And why not.

      • Hmus says:

        Why not? What has cocktail piano music tinkling by a Greek to do with soprt. It stank as a film score and stank at the Olypmics. They might as well have kept the original Leo Arnaud.

        • V. Lind says:

          I thought it worked fine as a film score. But why it worked at the Olympics was that it was instantly and almost universally recognisable as a theme about sport and effort and in fact the Olympics, so set an appropriate musical atmosphere.

  • Morgan says:

    Ah, the differences in country and culture–Paris a bit over dramatic for its use and London full of bombast. Both full of a bit of ‘sound and fury and signifying 0. Let the games begin.

  • Michael says:

    It won’t be too long before generic pap like this is just farmed out to AI. Maybe it has happened already?

    I just asked an AI to write a theme tune for an Olympic Ceremony and it came up with this:


    I’ve heard worse. Not often, but I’ve definitely heard worse.

    • John Borstlap says:

      That AI has taken music lessons. It would do very well with sonic art.

    • Curiousclassical465 says:

      I quite like your Udio take

      • Michael says:

        I thought it did well, as most of these things waft along harmonically without really going anywhere, so it turned out something semi-fit for purpose.

        This tech is in its infancy. Even in a year it will be so much better and poses a real challenge for composers of commercial music.

        That track was produced from a simple text prompt in minutes.

  • Fenway says:

    Mon Dieu! More cowbell please. Leave it to the French for this. John Williams save us!

  • william osborne says:

    Perhaps a relief from the usual clichéd militaristic heraldry, the pounding thrusts of the victorious, the erection of flags in celebration of nationalism, the rigidity of the unbeaten, the stiffness of the triumphant? Instead a celebration of the romance of transcendence, a melding together in celebration of our common humanity?

  • John W. Norvis says:

    Le Tombeau de Coubertin

    • Peter San Diego says:

      Brilliant! Chapeau!

      Meanwhile, Satie’s estate should sue for appropriation of his title.

      As for me, I could only tolerate 90 seconds of Le Masne’s concoction. Listening to some cleansing Couperin strikes me as a good idea.

  • yaron says:

    Was it created by ai music generaton? sure sounds like it.

  • Karden says:

    Michael: I just asked an AI to write a theme tune for an Olympic Ceremony and it came up with this:


    Jeez, LOL. That’s better than what the folks in Paris came up with. The official 2024 tune is a jumble of “WTF?!” Snippets of it are good, but most of it smacks of Eurotrash—similar to Americatrash. SMH.

    Most of the score for the 2012 Olympics, however, was lifted straight from a movie of the early 1980s. So for those games that was a bit lazy. But 2024 is a case of “why bother?”

    The original Olympic anthem and the composition for the 1984 games are generally the more fitting or memorable.

  • David A. Boxwell says:

    When the chorus enters, it just sounds like bad Imitation Morricone.

    • Pianofortissimo says:

      Ennio Morricone always composed the right music for the right purpose. I’m sure he would have composed a wonderful Olympic theme.

  • John Dalkis says:

    Music to snooze by.

  • John Borstlap says:

    But the French have already a ‘Parade’- and that is a much better one:


  • Emanuel says:

    The craftsmanship is stunning. If the automation curve bug for cowbell at 1:46 stays this way for stadium playback I’m sure there won’t be a functioning piece of PA or audience attention/hearing left for the rest of the song – which might actually be a good thing…

  • Lyle says:

    I’d rather Sadie’s Parade any day.