French instrument makers in one-sex takeover

French instrument makers in one-sex takeover


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

Buffet Crampon, makers of Boehm clarinets and much else, has acquired the percussion instrument makers Bergerault.

BC also owns Rigoutat, Powell Flutes and multiple other brands.

They don’t seem to recognise female musicians in current ads.



  • Ruben Greenberg says:

    Buffet Crampon buys up everything. Soon they will be buying up Boeing.

  • Bone says:

    Are you kidding? Advertisements are now the measure of equality?
    I’m done with your stupidity, NL. This used to be an entertaining blog with insider comments; now, it’s just your pulpit to foment fake outrage. You are sick.

  • John Kelly says:

    Too much wokerati here…………

  • Phillip says:

    I don’t really know the percentage of Buffet’s current media outreach that was reviewed before this conclusion was reached.
    This seems to be a Buffet advert attached to well known teacher/performers in Spain and Portugal. Perhaps that should be considered.
    Buffet, Powell and similar ads for the US market seem to be a reflection of the US performer base.

  • Murray Citron says:

    I own a Buffet Bb clarinet…back in the day, my teacher Alexander Williams (formerly principle at NBC under you-know-who) raved about its quality.