Exclusive: Winchester Cathedral loses its heads

Exclusive: Winchester Cathedral loses its heads


norman lebrecht

June 26, 2024

We are hearing from multiple sources that Dean Catherine Ogle, the senior executive of troubled Winchester Cathedral, has taken time off work indefinitely ‘with stress’. Insiders say she is unlikely to return. UPDATE: The Cathedral says: ‘Dean Catherine has taken time off work and is expected to return to work shortly.’

Also off with, apparently, a stress related condition is Precentor Andy Trenier. UPDATE: The cathedral says: ‘Precentor Andy Trenier remains working on light duties.’

People have walked out recently when either has attempted to preach. Others remained seated during Communion.

Expect further updates before Evensong.

Both Ogle and Trenier are implicated in the enforced departure of Andrew Lumsden as Director of Music and the subsequent cover-up over alleged Non Discolsure Agreements. Search ‘Winchester’ on Slippedisc.com for the whole sorry saga.


  • Fred O’Bloggs says:

    A peaceful and powerful point can be made by attending Eucharist but staying seated during the actual communion. Likewise sitting during the peace and ignoring the offer of a handshake from complicit clergy. As the service is relayed via YouTube I suspect the camera operators will not be allowed to show this.

    • Edward says:

      Yes an excellent way to protest. The whole situation arises from clergy thinking they are above lay people in the church. If it becomes clear that these are the very people putting up a barrier between the congregation and their communion with God, if people are unwilling to receive it from them, then their position is untenable. This we already know, but this religious aspect really is the final nail in the coffin. The Bishop’s investigation simply cannot gloss over it in the way that it might with HR matters.

      • Anon says:

        I’m led to believe the Independent Inquiry still goes ahead, and that it effectively ‘trumps’ an NDA. I’m now lawyer, but that would make sense, or the whole Inquiry becomes farcical.

  • Winchester Resident says:

    This does feel like bullying on both sides. How about some Christianity?

  • Joe Bloggs says:

    That’s karma!

    • DecTenorOne says:

      One wonders if Robert Ramsey’s anthem

      ‘How are the Mighty Fallen’

      Is in the Winchester choir library….

      • my permanent pseudonym says:

        Not Stanford’s ‘For Lo, I raise up” …?

        Too many one-liners to quote here, but all-told, it’s a pretty good summary of events past, and – with hope – to come!

  • Tiredofitall says:

    Good God!

  • Stephen Little says:

    However dire the situation has become, which it obviously has, anonymous internet posts are also an abuse of power.

  • MatteoB says:

    Whilst I am normally sympathetic to depression and stress related illness I am afraid the Dean and Precentor have in all likelihood brought this on themselves. The alleged incidents privately related to me have been appalling: “you reap what you sow” Galatians 6:7

  • John Borstlap says:

    As for the heading: my fly on the wall tells me that the original plan was to take the small guillotine from the crypt which was last used in the 15th century to correct heretics, but a test on one of the choristers showed it was no longer working properly.

  • Deborah says:

    Not surprised. On the few occasion I have met her, I have found her rude and obnoxious and not showing ‘Christian’ values.

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    Clearly they are both (quite rightly) feeling the pressure of public outcry at their joint destructive actions.
    Rather than try to face the music and wrath of those in the know about their bullish unacceptable behaviour of late and by bringing the Cathedral they are charged to curate and look after, they have decided to ‘lie low’ instead and hope their ‘garden leave’ just before the summer resess might just allow people to forget.
    They are as deluded as shallow if they think this destructive vandalism is going to go away.
    Until they both resign in shame with a written public apology for their unacceptable behaviour and actions, supporters of church music will not forgive them both.
    They should remain on garden leave and not return to the Cathedral to destroy it’s reputation liturgically or musically in the future and others should watch and learn from their crass destructive vandalism.

    • Paul (an organist) says:

      I think you are right on so many counts. Having watched Winchester’s music since Alwyn Surpice’s day, it is so disappointing to see the present chapter closed ikn such an awful way. So undeserved by AL.

  • Anon says:

    Apparently the link to the Independent Inquiry confidential submission of evidence is now open and available. It is being led by an eminent lawyer, with particular expertise in ecclesiastical law.
    All submissions are completely confidential, not attributable, and can be made in writing to the Team.

  • Jonny H says:

    A reminder to you all that Andy Lumsden’s last service at Winchester is next Sunday – 14th July at 3.30pm. The music really couldn’t be any better…

    Rose Responses
    Psalm 66 vv.1-12 (if you look this up, the irony won’t be lost on you!)
    Stanford in A
    Parry – Blest pair of Sirens
    Voluntary – Walton – Crown Imperial (possibly played by Andy himself)

    For those wanting to make a day of it, you could also go to the Foundation Day Festival Eucharist in the morning where the Bishop is preaching (he who commissioned the investigation into the conduct at the cathedral) as well as he delivering his Charge – which could be interesting…The mass setting is the mad but incredible Missa Festiva by Flor Peeters!!!

    The service listing (which includes the services for the Southern Cathedrals Festival) is here…


    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a fantastic turnout and reception for Andy? I, for one, will certainly be going, making the 4.5 hour round trip to do so. It’s the very least I could do to show my appreciation for one of the very best.

  • Anon says:

    Yesterday, 7th July, a huge number of Winchester Old Chorister Association members also attended Evensong where there was a Choir of 150, including the current Boys, Girls and Layclerks, all there to sing under Dr Lumsden’s direction, and in support of him.
    The sound was incredible and the emotion absolutely palpable.
    It’s available to watch for one week from yesterday, via the Cathedral YouTube channel.