Exclusive: Comedy duo calls it quits

Exclusive: Comedy duo calls it quits


norman lebrecht

June 02, 2024

We understand that the entertaining Igudesman & Joo are about to announce their retirement from the stage at the end of next year.

The violin-piano duo will have been performing together for two decades, which is a very long time to keep a joke on the go.Both have other projects that they wish to develop.

The pair have delighted audiences worlwide, attracting walk-on parts from Yuja Wang, Billy Joel and John Malkovich, among others.


  • chet says:

    Wang and Makela made a good comedic duo for awhile, and I don’t mean just post breakup.

  • PeterC says:

    They were entertaining and good fun. Thanks for all the laughs, and good luck for the future.

  • John Kelly says:

    A pity, I enjoy them a lot. The other day Joo did a joint recital accompanying Asmik Grigorian in Vienna. A wide-ranging program including a few of his own compositions, Ravel, Faure and others, concluding with Ticket to Ride and a couple of Lady Gaga numbers.

  • soavemusica says:

    Yuja attending an aerobics class?