Don’t hold breath:  Munich will get new concert hall ‘by 2036’

Don’t hold breath: Munich will get new concert hall ‘by 2036’


norman lebrecht

June 11, 2024

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder promised today in Cabinet that ‘the goal (of a new hall) will be successful by 2036.’

Cost projections, he said, have been halved – from one billion Euros to just 500 million.

Editorial note: No German concert hall in recent times has come in close to budget. Hamburg’s went seven times over.


  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Sir Simon, born 1955, will be 81 when the hall opens its gates.

    Blomstedt will be 108.

    Klaus will be 40.

    Tarmo 36.

    For whom on Earth does the World need a new concert hall?

  • John Borstlap says:

    Sarcophago Fermata

  • Omar Goddknowe says:

    And it will still be an acoustic disgrace and a visual eyesore.

  • Don Ciccio says:

    I suppose this is the brand new hall that was promised to Simon Rattle, or to Mariss Jansons.

    But what is new, if anything, with the Gasteig renovation?

  • Backdoc says:

    “Cost projections, he said, have been halved – from one billion Euros to just 500,000.”

    I think that would be rather more of a reduction.

  • Andreas B. says:

    “No German concert hall in recent times has come in close to budget”

    well … Neubrandenburg, Potsdam, Dortmund, Bochum, Kronberg are varied examples of excellent new German concert halls which were built within budget, broadly speaking, and were completed mostly on time.
    Dresden’s Kulturpalast is another successful new hall, albeit ‘just’ 25 percent over budget …

    Munich’s Isarphilharmonie, of course, was also built on time and budget.

  • dramaturg says:

    Isarphilharmonie in Munich was in time and budget…

  • Petros Linardos says:

    Does anyone know whether what kind of layout the auditorium will have? I hope not Vineyard.

    • Andreas B says:

      the architecture / interior design has not been decided yet – the pictured hall won’t be built, instead planning will start from scratch.

  • Kenny says:

    Even in Germany, will anyone still care? (Really? After WWII is finally played out?)

  • Kenny says:

    Sorry, should have tried WW3

  • anonymous says:

    Isarphilharmonie Munich was built in time (3 years) and budget (~40 million)

    • Berlin Babe says:

      there are no dressing rooms. While the acoustic is fairly good, it feels like a sport auditorium because one sits on bleachers. Kind of fun though.

  • Algot says:

    Year 2136 more likely…

  • Peter San Diego says:

    You might check your arithmetic… half a million is not one half of a billion. Of course, any project with a decade-plus lifetime can’t possibly have a projected budget of any accuracy at all.

  • c12 says:

    500,000 is quite cheap for a concert hall….I think you mean 500 Million

  • Philipp Lord Chandos says:

    Acoustically, Bamberg and Dresden are currently the best concert halls in Germany.

    I hope Munich takes acoustics (and toilet capacities) seriously so we, the paying concert goers, don’t get another Elphi.