Currentzis tenor poses triumphant pic on a Putin tank

Currentzis tenor poses triumphant pic on a Putin tank


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2024

For his last concert as music director at SWR in Stuttgart, the Putin conductor Teodor Currentzis chose Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem. Nothing controversial about that.

Until a Russian tenor in the SWR Vokal-Ensemble, Alexander Yudenkov, posted a pic of himself dancing with a Russian flag on Putin’s birthday, adding a prayer ‘ Lord give his servant (Putin) a successful life and preserve him for many yeats.’

The SWR press office has responded to BackstageClassical: ‘The SWR is aware of Alexander Yudenkov’s contributions. Mr Yudenkov made his comments on his Facebook page as a private person and not on behalf of the SWR. Nevertheless, the SWR clearly distances itself from these contributions. We also expressed this to Mr Yudenkov in a personal conversation. Mr Yudenkov has now taken his account offline.’

SWR is having so much picture trouble these days. One conductor departs with a Putin-glorifying pic, the next is suspended over a penis glorifying pic. Must be something in the Stuttgart mineral water.


  • Tiredofitall says:

    Mr Yudenkov has now taken his account offline. Nice.

    When will people realize that their posts live (and haunt) forever? It’s like a small child covering their ears to block what they want not to hear.

    • Tom Phillips says:

      He is an accurate reflection of the unique moral hideousness of most Russians – truly among the most barbarous of nationalities.

      • V.Lind says:

        I’m hesitant to assess whole nations, but from my reading of its history, I get the impression that most Russians do prefer a “strongman” sort of leader rather than democracy.

        • Achim Mentzel says:

          Just like the Chinese. The problem in the minds of Europeans is that they think that prosperity can only be created and maintained with liberal democracy and capitalism, value-based and guided by high moral standards. And China is increasingly teaching them that this is a dead end.

        • Yuri K says:

          Whatever it takes a nation to survive will do.

          I’d rather deal with a single individual stupidity because such leader can be replaced. But dealing with a collective stupidity is hopeless.

          Just look at UK where Theresa May was replaced with Boris Johnson who was replaced by Liz Truss who was replaced by this guy Rishi Sunak. They all were worse than David Cameron and Gordon Brown before them, who, in their turn, were worse than Tony Blair, according to their ratings. So every next PM is worse than his/her predecessor. Why? Because stupid people vote for stupid candidates. And those who are smart stay away becaused they know they can’t win.

          • Tom Phillips says:

            Yes so let’s just eliminate voting entirely and replace these leaders with such glorious eminent representatives of the “fatherland” as Stalin, Brezhnev and your beloved Putin, right Vlad? There can never be enough bloodshed for “people” like you – which is again why I see most Russians as barbarians .

      • Sisko24 says:

        They may not be as you say, “…truly among the most barbarous of nationalities (sic),…” but they do seem to be intent on giving the North Koreans and the Taliban a good run for the money.

  • Achim Mentzel says:

    Can he express his opinion freely and uninhibitedly? Yes.

    Has he violated any law (in doing so)? No.

    Do we have to tolerate his opinion, even if we think it is completely idiotic and disgusting? Yes.

    Is SWR responsible for the private opinions of its employees? No.

    Must every insignificant piece of shit be made into a sensation? No.

  • Ben says:

    –Collegium Iuvenum Boys’ Choir
    –London Symphony Chorus
    –SWR Vokal-Ensemble

    He’s one singer in three choirs Currentzis is using for the War Requiem, to be performed seven times over eleven days in five German cities, with five dates sold out.

    Perhaps we could find something positive about this effort?

  • Insider says:

    Firstly, he is not Currentzis’ tenor. SWR Vocal ensemble has its own artistic director.

    Secondly, SWR requested this Z-chap to take a holiday during this production .