Cathedral director of music ‘was bullied by the bishop’

Cathedral director of music ‘was bullied by the bishop’


norman lebrecht

June 11, 2024

The suspended Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney, Anne Dyer, is facing a Clergy Disciplinary Tribunal in Edinburgh for behaviour unbecoming of a cleric and likely to bring the church into disrepute.

Among the allegations to be considered, we understand, is that Ms Dyer bullied the cathedral Director of Music, Christopher Cromar, out of his position in 2022.

Ms Dyer claims she is the victim of a smear campaign by ‘a small handful’ of social conservatives.

Report here.


  • Edward Cole says:

    This sorry saga has been going on for a while compromised by the fact it is almost impossible to hold senior clergy accountable under archaic canon law. More pertinent articles detailing the abuse Mr. Cromar has received are online.

    ‘Bullying bishop made up claims about organist threatening her’

  • Sarah says:

    After reading that Daily Mail article, it makes the Catholic church in the British Isles seem like a honey-bunny church compared to the Episcopal Church in Scotland and the Church of England. Just putting in a plain-speaking Yorkshire woman from England no less into Aberdeen was the first mistake by the sounds of it, let alone in as a bishop. And they wonder why the church is full of old die-hards and no young people – and all in the name of God who comes last!

  • Ricardo says:

    “Likely to bring the church into disrepute.”
    A bit too late for that.

  • Lapsed Organist says:

    This unchristian behaviour isn’t uncommon in the Church of England and Wales, but this is the first time we’ve heard of it in Scotland.
    There is a pattern emerging here that the bullying is by female Bishops and Deans due to the insecurity of their so called hypocritical calling.
    They would all do well to learn from this tribunial, but they won’t.
    It’s all part of a conspiracy by senior clerics to dumb down the music of their churches whilst it seems to be the only reason people bother to attend places of worship these days.
    It’s certainly not for the liturgy or preaching.

  • Fred O’Bloggs says:

    Is the rumour, that this disgraced Bishop is moving to Winchester, true

  • Una says:

    What an example of power misused in the name of God from everyone concerned!!!

  • Sarah says:

    Not defending anyone here but usually it would have been a Dean – or the same called a Provost in Scotland – that would have done the overt bullying, not a bishop! The deans normally have power over cathedrals. But then the Anglican up there are a very minority Episcopal church in numbers after counting Catholic and Presbyterian Christians in Scotland – often said to be up the candle and more Catholic than Rome and somewhat anti-women in power – unless Nicholas Sturgen! Not the established church as the CofE is here in England – albeit with the ‘prima donnas’ of Wakefield and Winchesters, and many more to come!!! Every row always seems to involve church musicians, an organist and a status-holding priest, not your average hard-working and kindly priests found in all denominations ultimately for the glory of God and his people!

  • soavemusica says:

    Secular stately churches are run be the liberals. Here`s the response, for instance:

    1 TIMOTHY 2: 11-12 “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”

    So there. Any “small handful of social conservatives”, that is, people with faith, should leave the “churches” of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    Let the secular politicians do the politics. This world shall pass.

  • Robert Harrison says:

    When was the Bible altered to include women bishops?

  • Robert Holmén says:

    Somewhere there’s a committee saying, “Well, having female clergy didn’t solve our toxic masculinity problem…”